Master of Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling

The Master of Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling degree is a 60-semester credit hour graduate program that provides a strong foundation in the philosophy, process, and profession of rehabilitation counseling through didactic coursework, field experiences, and extracurricular experiences. It develops expertise in the independent living, medical, social, and psychological aspects of disability and in the vocational rehabilitation process. Students are trained in applied processes such as vocational assessment, job placement, career development, and disability management. Graduates are eligible to sit for the national certification exam, the Certified Rehabilitation Counselor Exam, offered by the Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification. Individuals with graduate degrees in rehabilitation counseling are highly sought after by a number of rehabilitation agencies in El Paso, the state of Texas, and across the nation. These agencies include organizations such as the Texas Division of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, CIGNA Corporation, and many other rehabilitation service agencies. The program also meets academic requirements for Licensure in Texas as an LPC.
Admission Requirements
Applicants must submit:
- Official copies of undergraduate transcripts
- A brief statement summarizing professional goals
- At least three (3) letters of recommendation
- Curriculum vitae/resume
- Statement on disability
- Statement on interpersonal relationships
Applicants whose degrees are from non-English speaking institutions are required to demonstrate English proficiency. Please consult the Graduate School website for required scores.
Prior to making a recommendation on acceptance to the Graduate School, the MCRC Admissions Committee will review the academic preparation of applicants. There are no requirements regarding undergraduate majors for acceptance in the program; however, students with backgrounds in psychology, social work, sociology, and special education are encouraged to apply. Potential applicants should make early inquiry of the Program Director for consultation regarding undergraduate courses that will prepare them for the MCRC program.
Degree Requirements
The MCRC degree consists of 60 graduate hours comprising required courses and elective. The program of study requires two to three years of academic work, including field experiences in either public or private sector rehabilitation agencies. Students can choose to enroll as full-time or part-time. Students who participate in internships with agencies requiring background checks must successfully pass the background checks to complete the practicum requirement. A thesis is not a requirement for this degree. Students have to enroll in at least one credit hour in their last semester and must pass the departmental comprehensive exam or the national Certified Rehabilitation Counselor Exam required for certification to graduate.
With the approval of the MCRC Program Director and the Graduate School, up to fourteen (14) semester hours of graduate work can be transferred from another accredited institution to replace equivalent courses listed above. Only credit hours that have not been counted towards a previously awarded degree are allowed to be transferred.
Electives. Students have the option of one three (3) credit elective course and/or project work. Approval is required by the student's Graduate Advisor prior to the beginning of the semester for elective courses not on the approved list.
Practicum. REHC 5390 Rehabilitation Coun. Pract requires a 100-clock-hour practicum, that includes 40 hours of direct client service at a practicum site at a government institution, community rehabilitation program, or other location that is a current or potential employer of rehabilitation counselors. Students are required to consult with their advisor regarding the rehabilitation services offered at different practicum sites and their preference for placement at specific practicum sites.
Internship. REHC 5391 Rehab Coun. Intern I and REHC 5392 Rehab Coun. Intern II requires students to complete a total 600-clock-hour internship, that includes 240 hours of direct client service at an internship site at a government institution, community rehabilitation program, or other location that is a current or potential employer of rehabilitation counselors. The student must receive a grade of Satisfactory or better in order to fulfill the internship requirement of this degree. REHC 5391 must be completed prior to REHC 5392 Students are required to consult their advisor regarding the rehabilitation services offered at different internship sites and their preference for placement at specific sites. This consultation will include a review of students' long-term goals and professional focus.
Degree Plan
Required Credits: 60
Code | Title | Hours |
Master of Clinical Rehab Counseling | ||
EDPC 5310 | Appl. Res. Des. for Coun & Spe | 3 |
EDPC 5317 | Human Growth and Development | 3 |
EDPC 5324 | Ethic, Legl/Prof. Issue/Cnslng | 3 |
EDPC 5335 | Prin of Appraisal & Assessment | 3 |
EDPC 5338 | Group Counseling | 3 |
EDPC 5339 | Techniques of Counseling | 3 |
EDPC 5341 | Theories of Counseling | 3 |
EDPC 5345 | Abnormal Human Behavior | 3 |
EDPC 5346 | Counsel Multicult/Div Popula | 3 |
EDPC 5347 | Addictions Counseling | 3 |
EDPC 5360 | Intro Marriage & Famly Therapy | 3 |
or EDPC 5364 | Family Therapy | |
REHC 5300 | Professional Issues in RC | 3 |
REHC 5320 | Medical Aspects of Disability | 3 |
REHC 5330 | Psychosocial Aspects of Disab | 3 |
REHC 5350 | Psychiatric Rehabilitation | 3 |
REHC 5360 | Career Counseling & Develop | 3 |
REHC 5390 | Rehabilitation Coun. Pract | 3 |
REHC 5391 | Rehab Coun. Intern I | 3 |
REHC 5392 | Rehab Coun. Intern II | 3 |
Elective | ||
Select three additional hours of master's coursework | 3 | |
Cognitive/Behavioral Therapies | ||
Neuroscience and Counseling | ||
Family Theories | ||
Cnslng Chldren, Adlscnts & Fam | ||
Couples Therapy | ||
Family Therapy | ||
Directed Individual Study | ||
Special Topics in Couns & Sped | ||
Seminar in Psychopathology | ||
Total Hours | 60 |