University of Texas at El Paso Academic Catalog

Academic Catalog

M.Ed. - Educational Diagnostician

This program is intended for graduate students who possess a Texas Provisional Teaching Certificate and are interested in working with the Special Education system in the public schools. The applicant should confer with the Graduate Advisor to determine additional requirements for State Board of Educator Certification as a Professional Educational Diagnostician (state examination and 160 internship hours).

Applicants must submit an application and participate in either a screening interview or instrument to determine if the EPP applicant's knowledge, experience, skills, and aptitude are appropriate for the certificate sought. 

Admission Requirements:

A minimum 3.0 GPA on cumulative record (or 3.0 GPA in Education-Related Courses or final 60 undergraduate credit hours) prior to admission. Applicants are screened based on the quality of their application and the candidate's potential for success in the program via the assessment of the educational diagnostician program admissions committee. Students must include the following in their applications: 

  1. Curriculum Vitae/Resume
  2. Statement of intent
  3. Two professional letters of reference
  4. Official Undergraduate transcripts 
  5. Current teaching certificate documenting at least two years of public school classroom teaching
  6. Documentation of professional liability insurance
  7. Applicants whose degrees are from non-English speaking institutions are required to demonstrate English proficiency. Please consult the Graduate School website for required scores.


Final Requirements: Students must pass the UTEP qualifying exam for educational diagnostician prior to taking EDPC 5375-Internship course. Students will present an oral presentation of their student
portfolio to the faculty and achieve a passing score on the TExES for certification of Educational Diagnostician prior to graduation.

Certification: TExES exam (Texas Examination of Educator Standards)

Degree Plan

Required Credits: 36

Education Diagnostician Program
Required courses:
EDPC 5310Appl. Res. Des. for Coun & Spe3
EDPC 5334Classroom Based Appraisal3
EDPC 5336Advanced Educational Appraisal3
EDPC 5344Use/Interpret of Cog. Measures3
EDPC 5348Assess/Instruction for Student3
EDPC 5375Internsip for Ed. Diagnostics3
SPED 5320Spec Ed-Historical Legal Basis3
SPED 5330Early Childhood Bil Spec Ed3
SPED 5337Assessment: Disability3
SPED 5345Interv Stud w/High Incid Disab3
SPED 5347Collaboration in Bil Spec Ed3
SPED 5371Interv. Stud w/ Low Incid Dis3
Total Hours36