University of Texas at El Paso Academic Catalog

Academic Catalog

M.S. in Aerospace Engineering

The M.S. in Aerospace Engineering degree program at UTEP will prepare students in 

  • Aerodynamics,
  • Propulsion,
  • Aerostructures, 
  • Aerospace dynamics and controls, and 
  • Aerospace systems engineering and design

Some unique focuses of the program are: defense, small satellite, propulsion systems, exploration vehicles, autonomous systems, and hyper sonics. 

Admissions Requirements

  • Bachelor of Science degree, or equivalent, in Aerospace Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or related engineering field. 
  • An official transcript, with the four baccalaureate degree posted, from the degree-granting institution and copies of transcripts for all other relevant upper-division and graduate work at accredited U.S. institutions or equivalent work and degrees at foreign institutions. 
  • Two letters of recommendation from individuals qualified to judge their capability to do master-level work. 
  • Applicants whose degrees are from non-English speaking institutions are required to demonstrate English proficiency. Please consult the Graduate School website for required scores.

Degree Plan

MS in Mechanical Engineering (All courses require a grade of C or better)
Required Courses:
MECH 5301Mathl Methods for Mech Eng3
Major Electives:15
Select 15 hours of the following:
Comp. Fluid Dynamics
Comp. Fluid Dynamics
Adv Finite Element Analysis
Adv Finite Element Analysis
Mech of Composite Materials
Mech of Composite Materials
Analytical Dynamics
Analytical Dynamics
Space Systems Design
Space Systems Design
Aerospace Propulsion
Aerospace Propulsion
Aerospace Structures
Aerospace Structures
Aero Dynamics and Controls
Aero Dynamics and Controls
Other Electives:6
Select six additional hours of graduate courses in BIOL, CE, CHEM, CS, ECON, ECE, GEOL, IE, IMS, MATH, MECH, MFG, MGMT, MIT, MME, PHYS, SE
Thesis/Non-Thesis Option:
Select one sequence below:
Thesis Option:6
Thesis I
and Thesis II
Non-thesis Track Option:6
Select six additional hours of graduate courses in BIOL, CE, CHEM, CS, ECON, ECE, GEOL, IE, MATH, MECH, MFG, MGMT, MME, PHYS, SE