University of Texas at El Paso Academic Catalog

Academic Catalog

M.A. in Spanish


Admission Requirements

  1. Fulfillment of all general requirements for admission to the Graduate School
  2. Completion of four (4) upper-division undergraduate survey courses in Spanish and Spanish American literature with a grade of B or better (SPAN 3301, SPAN 3302, SPAN 3303, SPAN 3304 at UTEP, or their equivalent at other institutions).

Applicants who have not taken all such courses or who have not completed one or more of them with a grade of B or better can be granted conditional admission, and will be required to make up any deficiency by enrolling in the appropriate course(s) during their first semester. Such courses will not count toward the degree.

While proficiency in Spanish is required for the degree this does not automatically qualify the applicant for admission to the program.

Application Procedure

Prospective students should contact the Graduate School, as well as the Spanish graduate studies advisor. Please be aware that the Spanish program has set deadlines for applications that do not necessarily coincide with those of the Graduate School: for all admittance, the deadline is March 1, and for spring admittance, it is October 15.

The application package should include:

  1. The online application form;
  2. Three (3) letters of recommendation from people who can comment of the candidate’s academic background and potential as a graduate student;
  3. A statement of purpose in Spanish explaining why the student is applying for the master’s program. This letter should clearly address the student’s academic and professional goals. Financial assistance is available for qualified students in the form of Teaching Assistantships.
  4. Applicants whose degrees are from non-English speaking institutions are required to demonstrate English proficiency. Please consult the Graduate School website for required scores.

Degree Plan

Required Credits: 36

MA in Spanish (All courses require a grade of C or better)
Required Courses: (6 for non-TA, 9 for TA)6 or 9
SPAN 5301Span. & Lat. Amer. Lit. & Theo3
SPAN 5311Writing & Research in Spanish3
LING 5308Second Language Teaching (Required only for TA option)3
Select from the following: (21 credits)21
The Hispanic Essay
19th Century Latin Amer. Lit.
Latin American Modernism
20th & 21st Cent. Lat. Am. Po.
Latin American Short Story
20th & 21st Cent. Lat. Ame Nov
Border Natives
Medieval Iberian Literature
20th & 21st Cent. Spanish Lit.
Spanish & Latin American Film
Independent Study
Special Topics
Spanish Historical Linguistics
Electives Area:
Select six additional hours of graduate course work (three for TA's). SPAN 5397 is not an option in this section.3 or 6
Extended Research Project (Tesina)
SPAN 5397Seminar in Hispanic Lit Rsrch3
Total Hours36