University of Texas at El Paso Academic Catalog

Academic Catalog

Finance Courses


FIN 5305.  Financial Concepts & Analysis.  

Financial Concepts and Analysis (3-0) An intensive, in-depth study of finance with emphasis on the managerial implications of financial concepts. May not be counted for credit toward any graduate degree in business or economics. Restricted to majors: ACCT and BSAD. Prerequisites: Admission to a graduate program in business and ACCT 5301.

Department: Finance

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Classification Restrictions:
Excluded Class: DR

Prerequisite(s): (ACCT 5301 w/C or better)

FIN 5311.  Financial Management.  

Financial Management (3-0). A study of the financial manager in executive decision making involving financial planning and analysis in the allocation of the financial resources of a firm; investment decision-making, capital budgeting and financial problems of growth.

Department: Finance

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Classification Restrictions:
Excluded Class: DR

Prerequisite(s): (ACCT 5301 w/C or better)

FIN 5315.  Securities Analysis.  

Securities Analysis (3-0) An in-depth study of the techniques of market and security analysis. Special emphasis is placed on the development of portfolio theory, application of the theory of real-world situations, and the evaluation of portfolio management. Restricted to majors: ACCT, BSAD, and ECON. Prerequisites: FIN 4310 or FIN 5311 and department approval.

Department: Finance

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Major Restrictions:
Restricted to majors of ACCT, BAMA, BSAD, ECON

Classification Restrictions:
Excluded Class: DR

Prerequisite(s): (FIN 4310 w/C or better ) OR (FIN 5311 w/C or better)

FIN 5316.  Risk Mgmt and Derivative Mkts.  

Risk Management and Derivative Markets (3-0) A study of the nature, functions and applications of the various futures and options markets and contracts. Basis, long and short term hedging, spreading, normal and inverted markets are examined, along with theoretical considerations. Prerequisites: FIN 4310 or FIN 5311 with a grade of "C" or better or department approval.

Department: Finance

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Classification Restrictions:
Excluded Class: DR

Prerequisite(s): (FIN 4310 w/C or better ) OR (FIN 5311 w/C or better)

FIN 5318.  Capital Formation-Analysis-Bud.  

Capital Formation, Analysis, and Budgeting (3-0) This course is designed to provide an in-depth study of the cost of capital and arguments concerning the appropriate specification of capital costs; analysis of the capitalization package of the firm; study of cash flows as they relate to the investment decision; risk analysis in the capital budgeting process and a study of techniques of capital budgeting under various constraints. Restricted to majors: ACCT, BSAD, and ECON. Prerequisites: FIN 4310 or FIN 5311 and department approval.

Department: Finance

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Classification Restrictions:
Excluded Class: DR

Prerequisite(s): (FIN 4310 w/C or better ) OR (FIN 5311 w/C or better)

FIN 5322.  Internat'l Financial Mkts/Inst.  

International Financial Markets and Institutions (3-0) An in-depth study of the markets and institutions that influence the flow of goods and services among nations, exchange rate determination, and international monetary problems. Subject matter may vary at the discretion of the instructor. Restricted to majors: ACCT, BSAD, and ECON. Prerequisite: FIN 4310 or FIN 5311 or department approval.

Department: Finance

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Classification Restrictions:
Excluded Class: DR

Prerequisite(s): (FIN 4310 w/C or better ) OR (FIN 5311 w/C or better)

FIN 5325.  International Financial Mgmt.  

International Financial Management (3-0) This course examines the managerial implications pertaining to the financial operations of the firm and investments in the international arena. The standard topics in International finance, such as the history of international finance, foreign exchange markets, exchange rate determination, foreign exchange risk (exposure), hedging techniques for that risk (using forwards, futures, options and swaps), international corporate valuation and capital budgeting, and sources of funds and the cost of capital in the international bond, stock, and money markets, are examined from a managerial point of view. Restricted to majors: ACCT, BSAD, and ECON. Prerequisites: FIN 4310 or FIN 5311 or department approval.

Department: Finance

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Classification Restrictions:
Excluded Class: DR

Prerequisite(s): (FIN 4310 w/C or better ) OR (FIN 5311 w/C or better)

FIN 5367.  Country Risk Analysis.  

FIN 5367: Country Risk Analysis (3-0) The application of national income and product account statements, international balance of payment statements, and external indebtedness calculations to international business decisions is studied. Advanced economic and financial ratio analysis utilization in loan repayment likelihood estimation is also developed. ECON 5367 and FIN 5367 cannot both be take for credit.

Department: Finance

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Classification Restrictions:
Excluded Class: DR

FIN 5370.  Financial Modeling.  

Financial Modeling (3-0) Study of classical and contemporary financial models. Emphasis on examining theoretical foundations, testing and modification of existing models, and inferences they provide for decision making. Among topics covered are simulation models of financial processes of the firm, modeling and testing securities market behavior, risk management strategies, valuation, and sensitivity analysis of financial decisions. Restricted to majors: ACCT, BSAD, and ECON. Prerequisites: FIN 4310 or FIN 5311 each with a grade of "C" or better or department approval.

Department: Finance

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Classification Restrictions:
Excluded Class: DR

Prerequisite(s): (FIN 4310 w/C or better ) OR (FIN 5311 w/C or better)

FIN 5392.  Dir Individual Study-Finance.  

Directed Individual Study in Finance (0-0-3) This course may be repeated, but no more than three semester credit hours may be applied to satisfy the requirements for the master's degree. Restricted to majors: ACCT, BSAD, and ECON. Prerequisite: Department approval.

Department: Finance

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
0 Lecture Hours
3 Other Hours

Major Restrictions:
Restricted to majors of ACCT, BAMA, BSAD, ECON

Classification Restrictions:
Excluded Class: DR

FIN 5394.  Current Issues in Finance.  

Current Issues in Finance (3-0) A course organized to investigate special topics and current issues in finance. May be repeated for credit when topic varies. Restricted to majors: ACCT, BSAD, and ECON. Prerequisite: Department approval.

Department: Finance

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Major Restrictions:
Restricted to majors of ACCT, BAMA, BSAD, ECON

Classification Restrictions:
Excluded Class: DR

FIN 6311.  Financial Management.  

Financial Management (3-0). A study of the financial manager in executive decision making involving financial planning and analysis in the allocation of the financial resources of a firm; investment decision-making, capital budgeting and financial problems of growth.

Department: Finance

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Major Restrictions:
Restricted to majors of ACCT, ECON

Prerequisite(s): (ACCT 5301 w/C or better)

FIN 6331.  Seminar in Theory of Finance.  

IBUS 6331: Seminar in Theory of Finance This course focuses on the theoretical and empirical findings related to financial decision-making under certainty and uncertainty. Emphasis is placed on the development of the primary asset pricing models; an introduction to theoretical and empirical evidence from corporate finance decision-making literature; and the study of capital structure, dividend policy, mergers and acquisitions, corporate governance and international financial management. Prerequisite: Departmental approval

Department: Finance

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

FIN 6332.  Seminar in Intl Capital Mkts.  

Seminar in International Capital Markets: The course provides an introduction to the study of finance and global capital markets. Emphasis will be placed on public and private financial intermediaries; securities markets; market micro-structure; organized exchanges; and other issues affecting the decisions of multinational entities.

Department: Finance

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Prerequisite(s): (FIN 6331 w/C or better)

FIN 6333.  Seminar in Corp Finance.  

Seminar in Coporate Finance This course provides an in depth study of the various activities of corporations, particularly corporate finance policy decision-making, and their impact on firm value in a global setting. Agency theory, signaling theory, capital structure, bankruptcy, mergers and acquisitions, security issuance, corporate governance, hedging, and payout policy are the primary subjects of study.

Department: Finance

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

FIN 6334.  Seminar in Investments.  

Seminar in Investments This course presents a focused study designed to provide students with a thorough understanding of the extant literature's theoretical implications and empirical evidence associated with the investment decision-making process in an international setting, security pricing and analysis, portfolio theory, portfolio optimization, capital market efficiency, the investment banking process, and security design.

Department: Finance

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

FIN 6350.  Financial Econometrics I.  

Financial Econometrics I: This theory and literature driven course, is an in-depth study of methods as employed in finance and accounting research. Subjects will include OLS (including issues regarding violation of OLS assumptions), GLS, SUR, simultaneous equation systems, distributed lag models, and ARIMA. Examples and applications will be drawn predominantly from the financial economics literature.

Department: Finance

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

FIN 6354.  Finance Topics in Intl Bus.  

Selected Finance Topics in International Business may be taken up to three times with approval of the doctoral program director. Content of the course will vary with instructor. Course topics might include theories of emerging markets and international business, international entry mode choice, seminar in importing/exporting, international product strategy, regional trade agreements and MNC behavior, etc.

Department: Finance

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

FIN 6360.  Financial Econometrics II.  

Financial Econometrics II: Advanced empirical methods used in financial economics research. Various panel data methods (including fixed effects, random effects, GMM dynamic panels), co-integration and error correction models. ARCH models, qualitative and limited dependent variables, and other advanced techniques will be the subject of study.

Department: Finance

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

FIN 6389.  Finance Independent Study.  

Accounting Independent Study

Department: Finance

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

FIN 6398.  Finance Dissertation I.  

Finance Dissertation I: This course represents the development of original research at the frontier of knowledge to demonstrate excellence in the field. After successfully defending the dissertation proposal, students must register for 6398 when work on the dissertation is begun. Thereafter, students must register for 6399 during the semesters in which work on the dissertation is being accomplished.

Department: Finance

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
0 Lecture Hours
3 Other Hours

FIN 6399.  Finance Dissertation II.  

Finance Dissertation II: This course represents the development of original research at the frontier of knowledge to demonstrate excellence in the field. After successfully defending the dissertation proposal, students must register for 6398 when work on the dissertation is begun. Thereafter, students must register for 6399 during the semesters in which work on the dissertation is being accomplished.

Department: Finance

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
0 Lecture Hours
3 Other Hours