University of Texas at El Paso Academic Catalog

Academic Catalog

Management Courses


MGMT 5301.  Leading Groups & Teams.  

The objective of this course is to provide an overview of how to effectively manage groups and teams in organizations. Topics include the basics of teamwork, internal dynamics of teams, and external dynamics of teams. Emphasis is on developing a theoretical grasp of issues and problems as well as an understanding of the practical implications concerning each of these topics.

Department: Management

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Classification Restrictions:
Excluded Class: DR

MGMT 5302.  Employment Law.  

This course will examine the applicable common law and statutory legal rules relevant to various employment situations. Students will analyze specific employment situations in order to identify the relevant legal facts and issues. They will apply the appropriate legal rules to specific situations in order to come to a conclusion about potential legal liability. Students will learn how to make specific recommendations for employers to deal with a wide variety of potential legal issues in order to make reasonable recommendations that will avoid or reduce legal liability. In addition the course will compare, contrast, and evaluate various systems for resolving employment disputes and legal claims (e.g. negotiation, mediation, arbitration, litigation).

Department: Management

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Classification Restrictions:
Excluded Class: DR

MGMT 5303.  Social Issues in Management.  

The objective of this course is to provide a broad review of social issues in management. Topics include ethical issues for managers, social issues in organizational behavior and human resource management, and social issues in strategic management. Emphasis is on developing a theoretical grasp of issues and problems as well as an understanding of the practical implications concerning each of these topics.

Department: Management

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Classification Restrictions:
Excluded Class: DR

MGMT 5304.  Negotiation & Conflict Mgmt.  

This course examines theories and concepts related to negotiation and the dynamics of bargaining in business contexts. Students will develop the ability to analyze and implement different negotiation styles and tactics in order to successfully manage conflict relationships typically found in business settings. Both intellectual and experiential learning components will be used to study a broad range of negotiation situations in many contexts including marketing, finance, entrepreneurship, human resource and industrial relations across a wide range of industries.

Department: Management

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Classification Restrictions:
Excluded Class: DR

MGMT 5305.  Cross-Cultural Management.  

This course seeks to provide students with an understanding of effective cross-cultural management and the challenges that are likely to emerge while working internationally. The course focuses on international organizational behavior and human resource issues and practices in transnational organizations. The course is divided into three modules: (a) understanding the effects of culture on attitudes and behavior, (b) organizational and human resource issues such as teamwork, leadership, and negotiation, and (c) preparation for working in or working with people in international assignments.

Department: Management

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Classification Restrictions:
Excluded Class: DR

MGMT 5306.  Diversity in Organizations.  

Inclusive workplaces build on equal opportunity principles to create a culture of respect, involvement and success for all employees. This course involves an examination of individual differences and group affiliations that create a diverse workforce. It also considers paradigms that limit and promote inclusion and what each individual student, employers and society as a whole can do to promote inclusive workplaces.

Department: Management

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Classification Restrictions:
Excluded Class: DR

MGMT 5307.  Career Management.  

This course will guide students to consider major career questions that my emerge as a result of getting an MBA. The course will require in-depth reflection and the use of various self-assessment instruments as well as group work that will require fellow classmates to give each other honest feedback.

Department: Management

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Classification Restrictions:
Excluded Class: DR

MGMT 5311.  Organizational Mgmt Seminar.  

Organizational Management Seminar (3-0) An experiential study of management processes and problems associated with the social system of organizations including individual and group behavior, behavior among groups, and behavior of organizations in an international context interacting in external and internal environments.

Department: Management

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Classification Restrictions:
Excluded Class: DR

MGMT 5314.  Corporate Entrepreneurship.  

Corporate Entrepreneurship (3-0) Corporate entrepreneurship is the process of creating new ventures and generating innovation within existing organizations. This course examines organizational culture characteristics that facilitate or inhibit corporate venturing. Emphasis is placed on the process by which new venture opportunities are identified, launched and managed. The course focuses on the behaviors of venture team members associated with success.

Department: Management

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Classification Restrictions:
Excluded Class: DR

Prerequisite(s): (MGMT 5311 w/C or better)

MGMT 5325.  Management Strategy and Policy.  

Management Strategy and Policy (3-0) A seminar devoted to an investigation, analysis, and discussion of American business problems, trends, policies, and major issues. To be taken in the last semester. Restricted to majors: ACCT, BSAD, and ECON. Prerequisite: Department approval.

Department: Management

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Classification Restrictions:
Excluded Class: DR

MGMT 5335.  International Strategic Mgmt.  

International Strategic Management (3-0) A study of the global competitive and economic factors that shape the environment in which firms operate. The distinctive nature of the business environment in developing countries, and the managerial implications of that, will be highlighted. Restricted to majors: ACCT, BSAD, and ECON. Prerequisite: Department approval.

Department: Management

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Classification Restrictions:
Excluded Class: DR

MGMT 5336.  Effective Mgmt of Human Resour.  

Effective Management of Human Resources (3-0). A study of methods to effectively utilize and manage human resources in a rapidly changing business environment. Topics covered include planning, staffing, appraising, compensating, training, career management, improving the work environment, and establishing and maintaining effective work relationships. Restricted to majors: ACCT, BAMA, BSAD, and ECON.

Department: Management

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Classification Restrictions:
Excluded Class: DR

MGMT 5345.  Global Management.  

Global Management (3-0) This course seeks to provide students with a synthesis of knowledge about globalization and organizational life. Additionally, it deals with the manner in which organizations orient themselves in order to respond to issues that stem from differing cultural logics. Restricted to majors: ACCT, BSAD, and ECON. Prerequisite: MGMT 5311.

Department: Management

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Classification Restrictions:
Excluded Class: DR

Prerequisite(s): (MGMT 5311 w/C or better)

MGMT 5346.  Total Quality Management.  

Total Quality Management (3-0) Analysis of the philosophy of total quality, world class, and productivity management theories. Students will be exposed to "real world" practitioners and problems to build a perspective on problems faced by businesses, of all sizes and forms, in light of global competition. Restricted to majors: ACCT, BSAD, and ECON. Prerequisites: MGMT 5311, QMB 5311 or department approval.

Department: Management

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Classification Restrictions:
Excluded Class: DR

Prerequisite(s): (QMB 5311 w/C or better ) AND (MGMT 5311 w/C or better)

MGMT 5392.  Dir Individual Study in Mgmt.  

Directed Individual Study in Management (0-0-3) This course may be repeated, but no more than three semester credit hours may be applied to satisfy the requirements for the master's degree. Restricted to majors: ACCT, BSAD, and ECON. Prerequisite: Department approval.

Department: Management

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
0 Lecture Hours
3 Other Hours

Classification Restrictions:
Excluded Class: DR

MGMT 5394.  Current Issues In Management.  

Current Issues In Management (3-0) A course organized to investigate special topics and current issues in management. May be repeated for credit when topic varies. Restricted to majors: ACCT, BSAD, and ECON. Prerequisite: MGMT 3511 or department approval.

Department: Management

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Classification Restrictions:
Excluded Class: DR

Prerequisite(s): (MGMT 5311 w/C or better)

MGMT 6303.  Advanced Regression Analysis.  

Advanced Regression Analysis: This course is a study of linear and nonlinear regression methodologies, elementary time series analysis, and other introductory econometric topics. The course is designed to provide basic expertise in the application of econometric techniques to hypothesis testing, model building, diagnostic testing, and simulations analysis.

Department: Management

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

MGMT 6307.  Survey Research Methods.  

Survey Research Methods: This course teaches students how to plan, design, and execute international business surveys. Students will learn about cross-national problems associated with questionnaire development, item analysis, scale development, including reliability and convergent and discriminant validity. The course will also examine qualitative methods such as content analysis, event history analysis, and observation.

Department: Management

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

MGMT 6308.  Research Philosophy & Design.  

Research Philosophy & Design: This course introduces students to the logic, methodology, and methods of inquiry that act as a foundation for the study of international business. The purpose of this course is to provide students an understanding of the role of theory; connection between theory and research design; the distinction between experimental, quasi-experimental and other forms of research designs; threats to the validity of research findings; the linking of concepts to variables that yield valid and reliable quantitative data; and ethical considerations in the conduct of international business research.

Department: Management

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

MGMT 6311.  Organizational Mgmt Seminar.  

Organizational Management Seminar (3-0) An experiential study of management processes and problems associated with the social system of organizations including individual and group behavior, behavior among groups, and behavior of organizations in an international context interacting in external and internal environments.

Department: Management

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Major Restrictions:
Restricted to majors of ACCT, ECON

MGMT 6314.  Corporate Entrepreneurship.  

Corporate Entrepreneurship (3-0) Corporate entrepreneurship is the process of creating new ventures and generating innovation within existing organizations. This course examines organizational culture characteristics that facilitate or inhibit corporate venturing. Emphasis is placed on the process by which new venture opportunities are identified, launched and managed. The course focuses on the behaviors of venture team members associated with success.

Department: Management

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Major Restrictions:
Restricted to majors of ACCT, BSAD, ECON

Prerequisite(s): (MGMT 5311 w/C or better)

MGMT 6316.  Intrnat'l Prod Op/Supply Chain.  

Seminar in International Production Operations and Supply Chain Management (3-0) This course focuses on the issues related to the efficient and effective management of supply and material functions in international context. The course primarily analyzes the management of materials and the control of materials costs in international business and institutional enterprises. Prerequisite: Department approval. Restricted to Majors: IBUS.

Department: Management

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

MGMT 6319.  Seminar in Intl Management.  

Seminar in International Management: Seminar in International Management offers a survey of contemporary international business research in a seminar format. Topics include the international business environment, cross-cultural theories in management, the culture of global organizations, and managing across cultures.

Department: Management

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

MGMT 6351.  International Mgmt & Strategy.  

International Management and Strategy (3-0) This course is a study of the global competitive and economic factors that shape the environment in which firms operate. The distinctive nature of the business environment in developing countries, and the managerial include multi-national and global strategy, organizing international operations, international technology transfer, international human resource management, and evaluation of international operations. Prerequisite: Departmental approval

Department: Management

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

MGMT 6352.  Internation Entrepreneurship.  

International Entrepreneurship (3-0) This course examines the creation, management, and growth of independent firms that have intent of engaging in international commerce. The requirements of firms called "born-global" or "multinational start-ups" include the development of a business model, location pre-venture capital, building a venture team, identifying market- entry and exit strategies, and preparing for growth. The course also examines international small businesses with an emphasis on how they differ from large international firms. Prerequisite: Departmental approval.

Department: Management

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

MGMT 6353.  Intl Org Behav & HR Mgmt.  

International Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management (3-0) Emphasis is on mastery of classic and contemporary literature in international organizational behavior and human resource management. Both U.S. and international theories and research perspectives will be used to guide students in building their own research agendas. Prerequisites: MGMT 5311 or equivalent and IBUS 6301 each with a grade of "B" or better and departmental approval.

Department: Management

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

MGMT 6354.  Management Topics in Intl Bus.  

Selected Management Topics in International Business may be taken up to three times with approval of the doctoral program director. Content of the course will very with instructor. Course topics might include theories of emerging markets and international business, international entry mode choice, seminar in importing/exporting, international product strategy, regional trade agreements and MNC behavior, etc.

Department: Management

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

MGMT 6389.  Management Independent Study.  

Management Independent Study Independent study in Management may be taken up up to three times with approval of the doctoral program director. Content of the course will vary with the professor directing the independent study. Prerequisite: Department approval.

Department: Management

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

MGMT 6390.  Seminar in Orgztnal Behavior.  

Seminar In Organizational Behavior (3-0) This seminar will introduce you to the field of Organizational Behavior. The seminar is designed for Ph.D. students and emphasizes the behavior of individuals and groups in organizations. We will focus on current research that emphasizes both the social context of organizational behavior and the psychology of the individual. Organizational behavior, for the purposes of this class, concerns the set of approaches to the understanding of how people in organizations think, feel, and act both as individuals and in concert with others. Prerequisite: Department approval.

Department: Management

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

MGMT 6391.  Seminar in HR Mgmt.  

Seminar in Human Resource Management (3-0) The purpose of this doctoral seminar is to examine the role of human resource management as a strategic element of organizations. The aim of this course is to better understand how firms can use their human resource management practices to enhance individuals and organizational performance. To that end, we will examine the theoretical perspectives in human resource management, the contextual factors that influence the linkages between a firms' human resources and human resource practices with the firm performance, intellectual capital, and the growing complexity of the employment relationship between organizations and employees. Prerequisite: Department approval.

Department: Management

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

MGMT 6393.  Int'l Op/Supply Chain Mgmt.  

International Operarios Supply Chain Management This seminar reviews recent research in operations and supply chain management. Examples of topics include supply chain management, revenue management, operations strategy, production planning, new product development, acquisition, transformation, and distribution of goods and services within the global supply chain, and tools and strategies to design and manage operations. The course also examines the strategic implications of operations and supply chain management issues as they relate to firm performance process management. Particular emphasis is placed on sourcing, operations design, quality, inventory, logistics, enabling information systems and technology, and global issues.

Department: Management

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

MGMT 6398.  Management Dissertation I.  

Management Dissertation I: This course represents the development of original research at the frontier of knowledge to demonstrate excellence in the field. After successfully defending the dissertation proposal, students must register for 6398 when work on the dissertation is begun. Thereafter, students must register for 6399 during the semesters in which work on the dissertation is being accomplished.

Department: Management

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
0 Lecture Hours
3 Other Hours

MGMT 6399.  Management Dissertation II.  

Management Dissertation II: This course represents the development of original research at the frontier of knowledge to demonstrate excellence in the field. After successfully defending the dissertation proposal, students must register for 6398 when work on the dissertation is begun. Thereafter, students must register for 6399 during the semesters in which work on the dissertation is being accomplished.

Department: Management

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
0 Lecture Hours
3 Other Hours