Student Financial Resources

The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) offers a variety of competitive academic scholarships and fellowships that are awarded to students based on academic merit and are intended to recognize outstanding accomplishments. Scholarships are made possible by generous donors such as alumni, foundations, corporations and community groups.
UTEP Academic Undergraduate Scholars Program
(For entering high school seniors only)
High school students are considered for these awards based on the student’s high school cumulative grade point average (GPA), class rank, and a well-written essay that addresses the student’s extracurricular achievements, community involvement, leadership skills, etc. Most scholarships require students to maintain a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA and full-time enrollment while attending UTEP. If students are eligible for more than one UTEP academic scholarship, the student will receive the most beneficial scholarship.
To qualify, interested high school seniors need to be accepted to UTEP and complete a separate scholarship application, which is used to award institutional scholarships. An academic transcript must also be submitted with your admissions application. Please visit the website for a complete listing of available scholarships.
Academic Scholarships are renewable as long as the student continues to meet the renewal criteria. If the student has met all renewal criteria, the scholarship award will be applied towards tuition and fees at the beginning of the following school year.
External Scholarships Opportunities
There are additional scholarships available with specific requirements such as major, financial need, class level, or citizenship/residency. Scholarships may also be awarded based on departmental recommendation if required by the donor. These scholarships are offered through civic groups, employers, religious affiliations, private companies and organizations. A listing of these scholarships is available on the Office of Scholarships website. Students should check this listing regularly and apply!
Non-Resident Waivers
Non-resident students awarded a competitive scholarship of $1,000 or more may qualify for resident tuition rates for each semester in which the scholarship is awarded. To qualify for the non-resident waiver, a student must have competed with Texas residents for the scholarship and the award must be verified by the Office of Scholarships.
Athletes Awarded Academic Scholarships
If a student is awarded an athletic scholarship, the student must comply with NCAA governing rules. Please contact the Athletics Compliance Office at (915) 747-8607 for additional information or visit the website.
Graduate Scholarship Information
Graduate students can finance their education by working and/or by taking advantage of UTEP’s financial assistance awards and programs.
Merit-based awards consist of scholarships and fellowships. Scholarships are primarily awarded on the basis of a studentʼs previous academic work. Fellowships are generally awarded according to a studentʼs exceptional academic work and/or previous or proposed research in the studentʼs field of study. For further information, students should contact the Graduate School. Recipients must maintain a 3.0 cumulative grade point average and must meet minimum enrollment requirements to maintain award eligibility.
Graduate students are encouraged to search for scholarship and fellowship opportunities. For more information, contact the Graduate School Office at (915) 747-5491.
Graduate Assistantships
Teaching and Research Assistantships are available based on merit qualifications. Teaching assistants perform assigned instructional duties under the supervision of a faculty member. Research assistantships are highly variable and usually involve assisting a faculty member in the accomplishment of certain research projects. The total of all on-campus student employment is limited to 20 hours per week. The application form is available at academic departments and colleges, should be completed by the student, and submitted to the academic department of the studentʼs major. Recipients must maintain a 3.0 cumulative grade point average and must meet minimum enrollment requirements to maintain award eligibility. For more information, please visit the Graduate School website.
Student Employment
Federal Work-Study Program
The Federal Work-Study Program provides jobs for students who have documented financial need and wish to earn income to pay for educational expenses while going to school. Students cannot work more than 19 hours per week at both on-campus and off-campus work-sites and positions may include clerical to research. Student employees are paid minimally at the prevailing minimum wage rate as prescribed by Federal law. Both graduate and undergraduate students demonstrating financial need are eligible for participation in this program. Participants must meet Satisfactory Academic Progress and must meet minimum enrollment requirements to maintain award eligibility.
International, second-degree, and certification students, as well as unclassified graduates, are not eligible for the Federal Work-Study Program.
For work-study opportunities, students can use UTEP login information to access Jobmine and search for available positions.
Additional Employment Opportunities
Information about other forms of employment which can include the Cooperative Education Program, Internships, summer employment, or part-time employment are available in the Career Services Office, Union West Building.
Criminal Background Checks
All University or contracted employment positions, whether full-time, part-time or temporary, faculty, staff, or student positions, determined to be security-sensitive by the University in accordance with Texas Education Code § 51.215(c) and Texas Government Code § 411.094(a)(2), as those sections can be amended from time to time must undergo a criminal background check.