Student Services

The University of Texas at El Paso offers a wide array of services for students to ensure that student needs, concerns, and interests are addressed.
Academic Advising Center
The Academic Advising Center (AAC) helps students develop class schedules and degree plans related to career and life goals that reflect their interests, abilities, and values. This advising model helps students take into account transitions, new roles, and new responsibilities as they make both short- and long-term curricular and co-curricular decisions. Advisors are available Monday-Friday from 8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.; and some Saturdays. We also see students on either a walk-in or appointment basis. See website for Saturday availability. Advisors will also assist students via email at Advisors look forward to helping all students get connected on campus!
The AAC provides academic advising to the following populations:
- College of Education: Students with fewer than 45 hours who are interested in teaching in the elementary and middle school grades are assisted in course selection.
- College of Business: CBBA majors
- College of Health Sciences: students with 0-29 credit hours, excluding Rehabilitation Sciences majors
- College of Liberal Arts: Selected lower-division Liberal Arts majors are assisted in course selection based on degree requirements
- General Studies (undecided majors) students
- German Abitur Program students
- Junior Scholars
- Pre-nursing students
- Programa Interamericano Estudiantil (PIE) students
- START (provisionally admitted) students
- Summer Guest students
- Texas Success Initiative (TSI) students
- Transfer students
- UT Austin Coordinated Admission Program (UTCAP) students
Contact Information
Academic Advising Center Bldg.
Phone: (915) 747-5290
Fax: (915) 747-5297
Visit Department Website
Campus Advocacy, Resources and Education (CARE)
Campus Advocacy, Resources and Education (CARE) seeks to empower students through education by providing advocacy, resources and supportive services to UTEP students, staff and faculty members who have suffered physical, sexual, financial, emotional harm because of an incident on or off-campus.
CAMPUS ADVOCACY & COUNSELING to students who are victims of or secondary victims:
- Private services, resources, and support for students who have been impacted by any crime
- Offer a safe setting to discuss questions, concerns, and experiences regarding a crime incident
- Assist in understanding and participating in the university disciplinary hearing
- Provide options regarding campus interim measures, including academic, housing, parking location
- Provide confidential counseling
- Discuss and provide on- and off-campus resources and accompaniment to these services
- Assist with criminal justice proceedings/medical matters, as a direct result of crime, if applicable
CARE works in partnership with campus departments and community agencies to develop engaging programs to educate the campus community about the role each of us play in ending interpersonal violence on our campus and community.
Workshops and training topics including:
- Recognizing the Warning Signs of Unhealthy or Abusive Relationships
- Do One Thing (DOT) Bystander Intervention
- Break the Stigma sessions
- Other topics by request
Contact Information
Campbell Bldg., Room 100-103 & MLSSB, Room 210
Phone: 915.747.7452
Fax: 915.747.
Campus Cultural Programs
Each year departments across campus sponsor hundreds of cultural events including concerts, music theatre productions, plays, art exhibits, ballet and dance performances, films, and lectures.
Theatre and dance productions are performed in the Wise Family Theatre, the Studio Theatre in the Fox Fine Arts Center, and the Magoffin Auditorium. University Dinner Theatre productions are presented in the Union West Building. Music activities such as the University’s Symphony Orchestra, Symphonic Band, Opera, Jazz Bands, Pandemonium Steel Drums, Choral and Chorus, Jazz Singers, and chamber groups are held in the Fox Fine Arts Center’s Recital Hall or the Magoffin Auditorium. Faculty, student, and touring art shows are exhibited in the Stanlee and Gerald Rubin Center for Contemporary Art, the Glass Gallery in the Fox Fine Arts Center, and the Student Union Gallery in the Union East Building. A film series is also presented annually in the Student Union East Building.
Lectures and a variety of other public programs are part of the yearly schedules of all UTEP Colleges, Academic Departments and Centers as well as the University Centennial Museum and Chihuahuan Desert Gardens. The Student Development Center, located in Union West 102, provides a wide variety of student programming ranging from lectures to artistic performances including support of several culturally based student organizations.
Center for Accommodations and Support (CASS)
The Center for Accommodations and Support (CASS) provides a program of support to students with disabilities recognized by the ADA, as well as those who become temporarily disabled due to an injury or recent surgery, and to women with "at risk" pregnancies. Qualified students could receive a variety of accommodations including note-taking services, sign language interpreters, reader services, priority registration, use of adaptive technology, alternative test formats, testing accommodations and advocacy.
Students requiring accommodations must schedule an intake interview with a staff member of CASS and provide medical and/or diagnostic documentation verifying a disability. The documentation must clearly state symptoms and limitations that adversely affect academic performance. All information provided to CASS is treated as confidential. Students should be aware that faculty members cannot provide accommodations without proper notification from CASS.
If a student has, or suspects they have, a disability that is adversely affecting academic performance, he/she should contact the Center for Accommodations and Support immediately to discuss available options.
Contact Information
Union East, Room 106
Phone: 915.747.5148
Center for Community Engagement
The Center for Community Engagement (CCE) at the University of Texas at El Paso serves as a campus-wide structure for the support and management of community engagement. Its mission is to enhance higher education and contribute to the public good through community-based teaching and learning initiatives that enrich student education, promote civic engagement and improve the community while capitalizing on the region's and UTEP's social and intellectual capital.
In its over 20 years of operation, the CCE has served as a link to foster collaboration and partnerships between the university and public schools, nonprofit organizations, and public agencies to address community problems while identifying learning opportunities for UTEP students. The CCE does this through the management of its three main community engagement programs: Academic-based Community Engagement (Service Learning), Community-based Work-study and Internships, and Volunteerism (The CUE). Each of the programs allow for students to engage with various focus areas like domestic violence prevention, adult English, Health, and Citizenship literacy, and college preparedness for youth. To learn more about the CCE’s engagement programs click here.
The CCE also offers faculty support for community-engaged scholarship efforts through capacity-building programming and direct support. Faculty can connect with the CCE to get help with the facilitation of community partnerships/collaborations, develop academic and service-related curriculum and projects, for civic/community engagement training and education, and any other community engagement needs. To learn more about the CCE’s support for faculty, visit the Community of Engaged Scholars (Community of Practice) via the Expertise connector.
Contact Information
1514 Hawthorne St. Building, El Paso, TX 79902
Phone: 915.747.7969
Fax: 915.747.8917
College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP)
The College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP) is a student success program federally funded by the U.S. Department of Education and designed to assist migratory or seasonal farmworking students during their first year at UTEP. CAMP provides students with academic, financial and social support to ensure academic success. UTEP CAMP offers assistance with the college transition and helps students develop the skills needed to stay in school and successfully graduate from college.
Contact Information
Prospect Hall, Room 209
Phone: 915.747.5799
Counseling and Psychological Services
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) provides free and confidential services in Spanish and English to currently enrolled UTEP students. Services include career counseling to help students clarify their academic or career goals and overcome obstacles to learning and decision-making. CAPS also provides individual, couples, and group counseling to address issues that can affect a student’s ability to perform optimally in his or her academic and professional endeavors. In addition, CAPS also provides educational workshops, outreach programming, and self-help resources on everything from stress and time management to self-esteem and relationship issues. Hours of operation are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. After-hour crisis counseling is available by calling the Miners Talk: After Hour Crisis Line at (915) 747-5302.
Contact Information
Phone: 915.747.5302
Visit Department Website
Dean of Students Office
The Dean of Students Office fosters an inclusive environment and a culture of care for the UTEP community by providing programs and services designed to enhance students' academic and personal success through engagement, operations and individual support. Specific support and services provided include:
- Connect students to major campus traditions and promote campus spirit among the Miner community and advise students on ways to get involved or engaged in various leadership roles, organizations, or opportunities that enhance the UTEP college experience
- Facilitate events and interactive programs designed to promote wellbeing and educate students on how to reduce harm or personal/student organization risk.
- Promote educational awareness of UTEP’s sexual misconduct policy and/or Title IX as well as provide student supportive measures in cases involving these policies.
- Provide case management support for students and their families experiencing emergency or difficult situations. Assist students in navigating challenging or unexpected concerns that may impact their academic success and personal wellbeing. Provide assistance in the form of advocacy, intervention, outreach, and support, and referrals to relevant campus and community resources. Issue Absence Notification Letters for certain situations as outlined on the DOS website.
- Manage many basic needs services or emergency aid including the UTEP Food Pantry and Student Emergency Fund.
- Provides Official Excused Absence Letters for students who are officially representing the university.
- Coordinate student travel risk management process.
Contact Information
Union West, Room 102
Phone: 915.747.5664
Visit Department Website
Developmental English Program
The Developmental English Program prepares students for college-level work in reading and writing. Due to legislative house and senate bills, there will be changes to course offerings over the next two years. Please contact the department for the latest update.
Contact Information
Education Building, Room 205
Phone: 915.747.5693
Fax: 915.747.5655
Visit Department Website
Developmental Math Program
The Developmental Math Department is dedicated to preparing and supporting underprepared students for academic success in college-level math through the use of creative course design, technology, and interventions based on the belief that every student should have the opportunity to pursue their educational goals. Due to legislative house and senate bills passed in 2011 there will be changes to the course offerings over the next few years. Please contact the department for the latest updates.
Contact Information
Education Building, Room 205
Phone: 916.747.5693
Fax: 915.747.5655
Visit Department Website
Early College High School Academic Success Center (ECHS ASC)
The Early College High School Academic Success Center (ECHS ASC) assists graduates of early college high schools in their transition to UTEP. We facilitate ECHS New Student Orientation and advising efforts, liaise between UTEP and the ECHS community-at-large, communicate important information to ECHS students and schools, facilitate scholarship support and offer guidance for ECHS program implementation.
Contact Information
Mike Loya ASB, Room 206
Phone: 915.747.7387
El Paso Centennial Museum / Chihuahua Desert Gardens
The El Paso Centennial Museum was built in 1936 with funds allocated by the Commission for the Texas Centennial Celebration. As the University’s museum, it serves students and the El Paso-Ciudad Juárez communities. The mission of this natural and cultural history museum is to preserve, document, exhibit, and educate about the Southwest and Mexico. Noteworthy collections pertaining to Geology, Anthropology, Archaeology, Paleontology, Ornithology, and Mammalogy include rocks, crystals, minerals, pottery, stone tools, shell jewelry, and baskets.
The Chihuahuan Desert Gardens, dedicated in 1999, are located on the west side of the museum. They contain plants of the region in settings that can be adapted for area businesses and homes. Basic museum and special-project classes are offered to UTEP students. Temporary exhibits, lectures, gallery talks, youth classes, adult workshops, and volunteer activities are educational offerings. The museum is free and open to the public.
Contact Information
Phone: 915.747.5565
Visit Department Website
Enrollment Services Center
The Enrollment Services Center endeavors to support UTEP’s mission of universal access and excellence by providing communication and outreach services to students, prospective students, and service/academic units on campus through the administration of the university’s Constituent Relationship Management system, texting and chat software, and outbound calling campaign services. The ESC provides support for prospective and currently enrolled students in admissions applications, financial aid applications, course registration, UTEP account activation, and many other services. The Constituent Relationship Management System (CRM), under the management of the ESC, facilitates the delivery of relevant, timely, and actionable information by allowing for the design of efficient and effective communication strategies tailored to specific constituent needs. Through various methods of communication, including inquiry pages, emails, and event, case, and application management, the CRM is a powerful tool to increase success in new student enrollment, first-year retention, persistence, and completion.
Entering Student Program/University Studies
The Entering Student Program (ESP) focuses on assisting entering first-year and transfer students with successfully transitioning to The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP). To help students develop their UTEP Edge, ESP offers several opportunities to participate in Edge High-Impact Practices (HIPs). The first HIP is UNIV 1301 Seminar in Critical Inquiry, a core curriculum course in UTEP’s Component Area Option. ESP teaches UNIV 1301 sections designated for first-year students with fewer than 30 semester credit hours and also offers UNIV 1301 sections for transfer students who are in their first or second semester at UTEP and who have earned 30 or more semester credit hours. ESP also offers learning communities (linked courses), a second Edge HIP, to help students make academic and social connections in their first year at UTEP. Another key component of ESP is the peer leader program, which prepares and supports students who serve as members of the instructional team for UNIV courses. Peer leaders work in the classroom as on-campus student employees, a third UTEP Edge HIP.
In the summer, ESP administers UTEP Prep, a summer bridge program designed to help first-year students transition from high school to UTEP during the summer following their high school graduation. In UTEP Prep, students learn to use campus resources and become engaged university students while enrolled in 2 required courses taught in a 6-week summer term. To learn more about UTEP Prep, please visit (
Contact Information
Undergraduate Learning Center, Room 344
Phone: 915.747.7618
Fax: 915.747.6496
Visit Department Website
University Course
University 1301 Seminar for Critical Inquiry is a 3-credit hour core curriculum course created to help students make a successful start at UTEP. Entering students will build on their talents, skills, and experiences in UNIV 1301 to successfully transition to the University. This course is designed to engage students intellectually in a specific academic topic, which will further develop their knowledge and skills, as well as their connection with the UTEP community. Students should read the description for each UNIV 1301, and then register for the section with a theme that interests them. Although the themes vary from section to section, all UNIV 1301 sections will help students achieve the following:
- Develop and apply elements of leadership through effective individual participation and meaningful team collaboration to empower them to be agents of change.
- Examine the roles and responsibilities crucial for their success in college and beyond.
- Identify, assess, and build on their strengths and experiences to develop academic and transitional strategies necessary for success in their academic, career and life goals.
- Engage in research and critical thinking activities that demonstrate their ability to effectively integrate their learning within, across and beyond academic settings.
- Engage in campus and community activities to increase their sense of academic and social belonging.
ESP teaches UNIV 1301 sections designated for first-year students with fewer than 30 semester credit hours and also offers UNIV 1301 sections for transfer students who are in their first or second semester at UTEP and who have earned 30 or more semester credit hours. To learn more visit the ESP website.
Entering Student Program Learning Communities
The Entering Student Program also coordinates learning communities for entering students. Learning communities connect students through linked courses. Students enrolled in learning communities attend two or three courses together; for example, a "community" of students might be enrolled together in an English and a history class. Sharing courses in this way increases students' opportunities to make friends, form study groups, work closely with faculty, and connect ideas across courses. Learning community courses are identified in class schedule each Fall Semester.
Food Services
UTEP Food Services strives to provide the highest-quality food at the most convenient campus locations. Students, staff and faculty members are encouraged to visit one of the many food venues located throughout campus.
Miner Meals
Miner Meals are dollars placed on the Miner Gold card that are held in reserve exclusively for food purchases. With Miner Meals, students, faculty, and staff can receive an automatic 10% discount on all food purchases. Miner Meals can be purchased in $50 increments at Student Business Services, located on the first floor of the Academic Services Building.
UTEP Catering Services
UTEP Catering Services offers a full range of services for banquets, receptions, meetings, conferences, and private functions. An interesting, varied menu is designed to meet the diverse needs of any group and function.
UTEP Concessions
UTEP Concessions provides a variety of tasty options at sporting and special events. From traditional hot dogs to local favorites, any diner’s cravings are sure to be satisfied.
Contact Information
Phone: 915.747.5628
Visit Department Website
Housing and Residence Life
The Department of Housing and Residence Life is dedicated to creating a living-learning community that is vital to the UTEP college experience. Students living on campus tend to achieve higher grades, have more leadership opportunities, take advantage of campus programs, and graduate at higher rates than their non-resident counterparts. Each residential area on campus has dedicated staff available 24 hours a day with direct contact to the UTEP Police Department and Facilities services if an emergency arises. Living on campus allows students to take advantage of everything UTEP and the City of El Paso has to offer.
Students can choose from six different styles of apartments with private and shared bedroom spaces. The apartments are fully furnished. Each living room contains a couch, a chair, a coffee table, an end table, and a dining table and chairs. Each bedroom contains a bed, a dresser, a desk and a desk chair for each resident. Students are encouraged to bring personal items to make their on-campus space feel like home.
Housing charges are billed to the student’s Goldmine account before the start of each semester, and may be paid with awarded financial aid packages and University Payment Plans. All utilities (electric, refrigerated air-conditioning, gas, water, sewer, and trash removal, on-site laundry, and high-speed internet) are included in the semester rates.
All rooms are assigned on a first-come, first-serve basis. Interested students should submit a housing application and pay the $200 deposit on the Housing and Residence Life website to secure their space on campus. Housing contracts are available for the academic year while classes are in session, and can be extended through the summer if necessary. Current rates and apartment floorplans are available on the Housing and Residence Life website.
Access to Criminal History Record Information: Public Institution Of Higher Education; On-Campus Housing (Texas Government Code, Section 411.0945)
An institution of higher education is entitled to obtain from the department criminal history record information maintained by the department that relates to a student, or to an applicant for admission as a student, who applies to reside in on-campus housing at the institution. Criminal history record information obtained by an institution of higher education may be used by the chief of police of the institution or by the institution's housing office only for the purpose of evaluating current students or applicants for enrollment who apply to reside in on-campus housing at the institution. The institution shall notify a student who is the subject of the criminal history record information of any use of the information to deny the student the opportunity to reside in on-campus housing at the institution. Criminal history record information received by an institution of higher education may not be released or disclosed to any person except on court order or with the consent of the person who is the subject of the criminal history record information. As soon as practicable after the beginning of the academic period for which the person's housing application was submitted, all criminal history record information obtained about a person, including any copy of the content of that information held by the institution, shall be destroyed by the chief of police of the institution of higher education or by the institution's housing office, as applicable.
Contact Information
Boquillas Hall
3490 Sun Bowl Drive
El Paso, TX 79902
Intercollegiate Athletics
UTEP is an NCAA Division IA school and is a member of Conference USA. Sponsored sports are football, men’s and women’s basketball, men’s and women’s cross country, men’s and women’s golf, men’s and women’s indoor track and field, men’s and women’s outdoor track and field, women’s tennis, women’s rifle, women’s soccer, women’s softball, and women’s volleyball.
Football is played in the 52,247-seat Sun Bowl Stadium, which is located on campus and nestled into the southern tip of the Rocky Mountains; men’s and women’s basketball games are played in the 11,767-seat Don Haskins Center; and women’s volleyball is played in the Memorial Gymnasium, which seats 3,000 people. Soccer games are held at the University Soccer Field with the Rocky Mountains as a backdrop. The track program runs at Kidd Field, which seats 15,000 people. Teams nationally ranked in recent years include men’s basketball, football, men’s golf, cross country, indoor and outdoor track and field, and women’s rifle.
Contact Information
Phone: 915.747.5347
Visit Department Website
KTEP Public Radio
KTEP 88.5 FM broadcasts news, information, and cultural programming 24 hours per day for the University as well as El Paso, Southern New Mexico, and Juarez. KTEP is a member of National Public Radio and Public Radio International. The station trains UTEP students in broadcasting, and students can work at the station either as interns or volunteers. KTEP is equipped with the latest in digital broadcast technology. KTEP began broadcasting in 1950 and was the first FM station in El Paso and one of the first in the Southwest. A quarterly programming guide is available by calling (915) 747-5152.
Contact Information
Phone: 915.747.5152
Visit Department Website
Medical Professions Institute
The Medical Professions Institute here at the University of Texas at El Paso is the Pre-Health advising office that assists students considering careers in health-related occupations prepare their path to success. The institution serves as a resource for UTEP current or future students and alumni who are exploring, preparing and/or applying to health professional programs.
The MPI Director, Dr. Gail L. Arnold provides advising for students that are seeking pre-health guidance by offering several academic services, resourceful information, personal feedback, and direction so students can build an effective path to success.
The MPI helps students develop a plan to incorporate community service, clinical exposure, and admissions exam preparation while ensuring students can do all of this and still complete their undergraduate program in a timely manner.
Contact Information
College of Science
Phone: 915.747.8027
Visit Department Website
Military Student Success Center (MSSC)
The Military Student Success Center (MSSC) serves all military-affiliated students to include veterans, dependents, and active duty service members. It is the central point of coordination for support services, with a goal of easing transition to campus life and enhancing achievement of educational and career goals for the needs of military-affiliated students. Services include but are not limited to:
- Priority registration for all military-affiliated students
- Processing of all VA Education Benefits (CH.30 Montgomery GI BILL®, CH. 33 Post 9/11 GI BILL®, CH. 35 Dependents’ Educational Assistance, CH. 1606 Montgomery GI BILL® Selective Reserve and CH. 31 Veterans Readiness and Employment)
- Processing of the Texas Hazlewood Exemption
- Processing of DoD Military Tuition Assistance to include assistance with admissions, degree plans, residency, registration, and grade posting
- Assistance with National Guard Tuition Assistance
- Assistance with Department of Veteran’s Affairs documents to include Enrollment Verifications, CHAMPVA Enrollment Certifications, and Tuition Debt Letters
- Assistance with Admissions documents to include military transcripts and residency waivers
- Assistance with questions regarding the use of financial aid with VA education benefits and Hazlewood
- Assistance with UTEP course registration and withdrawals
Military Resource Center (MRC)
- Located in the El Paso Natural Gas Conference Center (EPNGCC), to the right Chick-Fil-A
- Study space with computers, printers, chairs, and tables
- Offers free scantrons and blue books
- Food pantry
- Provides information on a variety of resources from UTEP and around the El Paso Community
Veterans Education Counselors
The Veterans commission employs Veterans Education Counselors who work with institutions of higher education; local, state, and national veterans groups; local workforce development boards; and education services offices at military installations; who create and manage publicity campaigns to promote the use of education benefits; who support programs to assist students who are combat veterans in readjusting and reintegrating into a noncombat environment; who maintain statistical information; and who perform other activities; as assigned by the commission, to enhance the educational opportunities of veterans and their family members in the higher education region and throughout this state.
Contact Information
Mike Loya Academic Services Building (MLASB), Room 130
Phone: 915.747.5342
Fax: 915.747.5392
Visit Department Website
Office of International Programs and Study Abroad (OIPSA)
The Office of International Programs (OIP) and Study Abroad (SA) is the primary source of information and assistance for the international community at UTEP. OIPSA also includes a unit dedicated to the recruitment of international students and a Passport Acceptance Facility.
Services offered by the Office of International Programs
- Advising international students and scholars on immigration, financial cross-cultural and personal issues as they relate to their immigration status;
- Administration of the PASE Program (Programa de Asistencia Estudiantil): a Texas initiative for a waiver of out-of-state tuition for Mexican nationals who can prove financial need;
- Facilitation of international and multicultural activities on campus, highlighting the multicultural nature of El Paso and UTEP through cultural events and presentations, involving the University’s diverse nationalities;
- Assistance in requesting United States Passports provided to student, staff, faculty and the larger community of El Paso;
- Development of an international student recruitment plan to increase the number of degree-seeking students and scholars from Mexico, Latin American and regions of the world with high prospective international student mobility;
- Administration of the Good Neighbor Scholarship, the Frank and Polly Ann Morrow Awards for Outstanding International Students and the Anne and Roland W. Claudius Memorial Scholarship Fund provided to undergraduate students who attended preparatory school in a country other than the US.
Services and Programs offered by Study Abroad
The Study Abroad Office enables outgoing UTEP students to gain global experience through several types of international study including Faculty-Led, Exchange and Third-Party Programs. The SAO also provides opportunities and services to international non-degree exchange students and interns arriving from abroad.
Programs facilitated by the Study Abroad Office vary in length and cost depending on the type and location.
Types of Programs
Faculty-Led Programs
Faculty or Departments may offer courses that are taught abroad as part of the UTEP curriculum. Faculty-led programs occur during Wintermester, Maymester, Spring Break, and the summer. Students who take these courses are assessed normal tuition and fees, plus additional fees to cover program costs.
Exchange Programs
UTEP has agreements with a number of universities throughout the world that allow students to attend a foreign university for a semester or academic year while paying UTEP tuition. This can be an affordable option for many students. Educational activities may include classroom study, research, internships, and service learning.
Third-Party Programs
Students are able to participate in study abroad programs that are offered by third–party providers. Students are required to pay the program fees to the providers.
General Requirements
To participate in a Study Abroad program, students must be registered as a UTEP student. Undergraduate students must have completed 24 credit hours (12 of which must be from UTEP), graduate students must have completed 9 credit hours at UTEP. The GPA requirement varies depending on the program selected. All prospective students must attend an information session. Sessions are offered throughout the year.
Credit earned through Study Abroad courses is processed as transfer credit.
Credit earned when participating in a UTEP Faculty-Led program is processed as UTEP credit.
Financial Assistance
Students who are eligible for Financial Aid may use these funds to cover the costs of studying abroad. The Study Abroad Office offers a study abroad scholarship for qualified students. Information about external scholarships is also available in the Study Abroad Office.
Contact Information
Union East, Room 203
Phone: 915.747.5664
Fax: 915.747.5794
Visit International Programs Website
Office of New Student Orientation
Supporting the University's mission, the Office of New Student Orientation's purpose is to guide new entering students and their families through the transition to UTEP. Orientation programs provide the information and tools needed to support their smooth transition and to ensure each students' success and intellectual development. Orientation Programming is scheduled throughout the year to meet the needs of all entering students. There are programs specifically for freshman, transfer, and early college high school students, as well as for their families.
Attendance at the University's orientation is mandatory for all new students. Information on college and/or program specific orientations can be found in the academic sections of the catalog. The University’s orientation program consists of an on-campus session and online New Student Orientation Modules. During the on-campus orientation, students will: (1) connect with their academic college for an understanding of academic expectations and opportunities; (2) meet with various departments and programs to discover available services and resources to enhance their college career; (3) network with new and current students to learn more about student life and becoming engaged; (4) and learn how to navigate campus. The New Student Orientation Modules introduce students to UTEP’s Community of Care, including your role and responsibilities as a member of our community. The modules are online and self-paced.
There is no fee for orientation programs.
Contact Information
107 Mike Loya Academic Services Building
Phone: 915.747.6752
Fax: 915.747.5841
Visit Department Website
Office of Scholarships
The Office of Scholarships administers competitive scholarships that are awarded based on merit and are intended to recognize students for their outstanding academic achievements. These awards are made possible through the generosity of UTEP donors; such as alumni, friends of UTEP, foundations, corporations and community groups.
Students may apply for external scholarship opportunities throughout the year by visiting the External Scholarships Bulletin.
Contact Information
Mike Loya Academic Services Building, Room 202
Phone: 915.747.5204
Fax: 915.747.5631
Office of Student Conduct & Conflict Resolution (OSCCR)
The Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution (OSCCR) fosters a community of support and care through accountability, intervention, and education. The OSCCR upholds The University of Texas System Board of Regents’ Rules & Regulations; the University of Texas at El Paso Handbook of Operating Procedures; along with all federal, state, and local laws. Any student that violates any of these policies is subject to discipline, whether the behavior occurs on or off campus or civil or criminal proceedings are being pursued.
The OSCCR supports all students through education and committed to informing all UTEP students about the Handbook of Operating Procedures and the specific policies they agreed to follow while being a Miner. The department educated students on topic, such as academic dishonesty, alcohol, drugs and hazing to ensure that they have the necessary knowledge to make informed choices and seek out appropriate resources when needed. Our office is available to help any UTEP community member that may find themselves in need of expert conflict resolution advice or education of UTEP resources.
Contact Information
Union Building East, Room 303
Phone: 915.747.8694
Fax: 915.747.5888
Office of Student Fellowships and Awards
The Office of Student Fellowships and Awards supports students applying for prestigious external fellowships, scholarships, and other awards for research, study abroad, and graduate school.
Services include:
- Advising for undergraduate and graduate students as they identify external fellowships, scholarships and other awards relevant to their academic and professional goals.
- Information sessions and applicant workshops for the Fulbright U.S. Student Program, National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program, Boren Awards, Hawkins Scholarship, Hertz Foundation Fellowship, Goldwater Scholarship, Rhodes, Mitchell, Marshall and Truman Scholarships, Schwarzman Scholars Program, and others.
- Writing support for fellowship applicants through the peer Writing Coaches Program to hone writing skills for the personal statement, research grant proposal and other application essays.
- Administration of the Undergraduate Fellows Program, a three-month seminar for freshmen and sophomores to learn about the fellowship application process, leadership opportunities on campus, and to draft and receive feedback on the personal statement essay.
- Administration of the Hawkins Scholarship, which recognizes two UTEP juniors of outstanding intellect and character, who are committed to the service of others, and who show promise of becoming leaders capable of addressing important challenges facing humanity.
Contact Information
Union West, Room 105
Phone: 747-7835
Office of Student Financial Aid
The mission of UTEP’s Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) is to provide all current and prospective UTEP students with the necessary financial aid information, advising, and timely monetary assistance to support students with the pursuit of a higher education degree. The OSFA strives to help our demographically diverse student population eliminate financial obstacles enabling our students to succeed in their academic endeavors and achieve their educational goals. Student Financial Services Advisors provide individualized information about financial aid programs, application procedures, and eligibility requirements to students and families. Applications, forms, and additional financial aid information are listed on the Office’s website.
Contact Information
Mike Loya Academic Services Building, Room 204
Phone: 915.747.5204
Fax: 915.747.5631
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Office of Admissions and Recruitment
The Office of Admissions and Recruitment assists students with enrollment into the University. It provides information about admission requirements and procedures, financial resources, academic program offerings, and general information about the University. In addition, this office determines all students' eligibility for admission and evaluates transfer credit according to standards set by Texas law, the Board of Regents of the University of Texas System, and UTEP faculty.
Contact Information
Mike Loya Academic Services Building, Room 102
Phone: 915.747.5890
Fax: 915.747.8893
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Professional and Public Programs (P3)
The Office of Professional and Public Programs is a unique learning agent within The University of Texas at El Paso. Our mission is to provide high-quality continuing education. This includes lifelong learning opportunities for professional development and personal enrichment. We foster and support the larger University mission to serve as a gateway to an improved quality of life for people of the Paso del Norte Region.
P3 offers non-credit courses in the following areas:
- Advanced Placement (AP) Summer Institute: The AP® Summer Institute is administered by Professional and Public Programs and endorsed by the Southwestern Region of the College Board®. This institute offers subject-specific professional development opportunities for high school teachers to utilize AP® teaching strategies.
- Adult Leisure and Learning: Noncredit courses for adults for personal and community engagement. Participants can explore a wide range of subjects: from arts, dance, and contemporary issues to photography, fitness, and learning a new hobby.
- Corporate and Business Training: Noncredit courses and certifications that focus on business analysis, project management, communications, leadership, sales and negotiations, management, professional coaching, and more. We also provide customized programs to meet the particular needs and requirements of our clients.
- English Language Institute: Noncredit courses designed to help learners gain functional command of English in listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
- Language and Cultural Studies: Noncredit courses designed to offer opportunities to develop and enhance communication skills and cross–cultural understanding that focuses on learning a new language and culture.
- Military and MYCAA Career Assistance: Offers eligible military service members and spouses assistance with funding for a variety of career training and certifications thru the Military Spouse Career Advancement Accounts Program (MyCAA) and Army Credentialing Assistance (CA) Program
- WIOA Career Assistance: Professional and Public Programs is part of the Texas Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL) and offers a number of noncredit WIOA-approved programs to eligible participants seeking in-demand education and training opportunities designed to help participants return to employment, expand postsecondary options and opportunities, and support entrepreneurship goals to help stabilize our economy and community.
- Youth Programs and Camps: Offers youth fun, engaging programs to promote, excitement, and self-discovery for kids of all ages.
- Online Noncredit Courses: Self-paced, independent study noncredit online courses that can be taken any time, any place. Courses range from various personal enrichment courses to diverse career training and certifications options.
Contact Information
Memorial Gym, Suite 111
101 W. Robinson
El Paso, Texas 79968-0602
Phone: 915.747.5142
Recreational Sports
The Recreational Sports department provides an opportunity for each member of the University community to voluntarily participate in a wide variety of sports and leisure activities.
- Intramural Sports Program offers approximately 40 co-ed activities throughout the year. Offerings include both traditional and non-traditional sports.
- Outdoor Adventure Program offers an average of 20 trips per year to neighboring natural destinations and numerous opportunities to explore nature on overnight and weeklong trips. The Outdoor Adventure program also maintains a large and growing inventory of outdoor gear, available to UTEP students, staff and faculty.
- Climbing Gym is designed to challenge first-timers or seasoned climbers. The facility offers two 12ft high bouldering walls and a 39ft pinnacle that allows users to practice Top Rope and Lead Climbing.
- Challenge Course provides a variety of team-building activities that challenge participants to engage with one another in a unique learning environment.
- Fitness Programs offer an average of 15 non-credit classes in a hybrid format to UTEP students and active members.
- Sports Clubs are available for registered UTEP students who want to participate in extramural competition against local clubs and other Universities in a non-varsity atmosphere.
- Open Recreation provides members the opportunity to participate in non-structured sport activities on a drop-in basis at the Student Recreation Center (Cardio Theater, Indoor Running Track (1/8 of a mile), Free Weight Area, Basketball Courts and Indoor Soccer Arena. for leisure play. Equipment is provided with a valid UTEP ID.
- Swimming Pools consists of a Competitive Pool (kept at 81 degrees) with 10 lanes and a 1 and 3 meter springboards. The Recreation Pool (kept at 85 degrees) has 5 lanes, a Zero Deck Entry and Volleyball/Basketball area for fun and splashing around.
Contact Information
Phone: 915.747.5103
Phone: 915.747.8100
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Registration and Records
The Registration and Records Office is committed to assisting students with registration and record maintenance and protecting the privacy of students’ educational records. This department publishes each term’s class schedule online, manage the distribution of grades as well as academic standing information. In addition, the office assists students with enrollment verifications, name changes, updates to contact information, graduation applications, diplomas, academic transcripts, requests to withhold directory information, and authorization to release educational records. The academic calendar and final exam schedule can be found on our website.
For detailed information concerning registration and student academic records, consult the Academic Regulations section of this catalog under General Academic Information.
Contact Information
107 Mike Loya Academic Services Building
Phone: 915.747.5544
Fax: 915.747.8764
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Special Events
“There is no business like show business!” For more than a decade the Office of Special Events has been dedicated to bringing quality entertainment to the UTEP and El Paso communities.
The office operates as a full production house in the booking of UTEP’s special event facilities: Sun Bowl Stadium, Don Haskins Center, and Magoffin Auditorium. A variety of events are presented each year. Past events include Juanes, Aerosmith, Linkin Park, Fleetwood Mac, Cher, Shakira, The Eagles, Ricky Martin, NSYNC, The Rolling Stones, HBO’s Oscar de la Hoya Fight, WWE, and international soccer Pumas vs. Tigres and many others.
The Office of Special Events is also responsible for the programming of the Wednesday Music Café FREE Concert Series, the Union Exhibition Gallery and the Art and Foreign Film series, host of the Cinema Novo Film Society of El Paso, the only art-film society in the city.
Contact Information
Phone: 915.747.5481
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Spirit Operations
Spirit Operations is focused on cultivating a fun, spirited environment while encouraging school pride and supporting traditions of UTEP. Our Mission is to provide a one of a kind service and memorable experience for our community stakeholders to believe and take pride in the University by being the essential connector of traditions, passion, and loyalty.
The Spirit Operations Department houses four programs:
THE UTEP CHEER TEAM: The team is comprised of a large, coed stunt team and all-girl stunt and tumbling team. Our large, talented squad gives us the ability to provide cheer teams at multiple events simultaneously.
THE UTEP DANCE TEAM: The team is comprised of El Paso natives from across the region. The UTEP Dance team keeps busy by supporting a variety of events on and off campus.
ORANGE AND BLUE SPIRIT CREW: Stay connected; Make new friends; Be in the know! Help create the best on campus experience by engaging in various activities and events all while promoting school spirit by joining the best and loudest Spirit Crew on campus- The Orange and Blue Spirit Crew or better known as, “The Crew”.
Contact Information
Brumbelow Building, Suite 133
Phone: 915.747.6113
Visit Cheerleading Department Website
Visit Dance Team Department Website
Student Business Center
The primary responsibility of Financial Services is to ensure the proper stewardship of the University's financial resources. Toward this end, we strive to provide valuable, timely, and meaningful financial information to University administrators to allow informed decision making in pursuit of overall institutional goals. We must ensure sound and efficient financial practices and services to the University community and must service our customers in an ethical, professional, and courteous manner. Our goal is to be sensitive and responsive to the needs of our customers - University students, administrators, faculty, staff and representatives from other state agencies. We are committed to innovation, change, and self-evaluation in order to meet these needs.
Contact Information
Mike Loya Academic Services Building, Room 118
500 W University
El Paso, Texas 79902
Phone: 915.747.5116
Fax: 915.747.5933
Email: /
Student Engagement and Leadership Center
The Student Engagement and Leadership Center
(SELC) cultivates student learning and belonging through leadership development, educational opportunities, and campus engagement experiences that are inclusive, interactive, and empowering while building a community of pride through spirit and traditions that enhance the college experience. The department provides students opportunities to get involved through.
- Registered Student Organizations—We work with 200+ RSOs and provide a variety of trainings and workshops to enhance the experiences of their members. Visit our website to learn more about how to join a student organization or how to create your own!
- Leadership Development– Explore your understanding of leadership, build a strong network of peers, and enhance your professional portfolio.
- Campus Engagement– From gallery exhibits to live comedians, outdoor festivals to blockbuster movies, we provide a variety of events on campus!
- Inclusion and Advocacy– Our programs support students in developing inclusive thoughts, perceptions, and actions and can inspire an inclusive mindset in others.
- Fraternity and Sorority Life (FSL)– The fraternity and sorority life community shares the common bonds of brother/sisterhood. Develop leadership skills, excel in the classroom, and engage in your community when you Go Greek!
Contact Information
Union West, Room 106
Phone: 915.747.5670
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Student Government Association
The Student Government Association is a shared governance organization in regular communication with senior university administrators about the college operations and polices affecting the lives of Miner students. SGA is the official voice of students, ensuring that student opinions and concerns are expressed. SGA safeguards student participation in the University decision-making process, defends the rights of each student, and works toward the advancement of the University community.
SGA consists of three branches: Executive, Legislative and Judicial. The Executive branch includes the President, two Vice Presidents and an Executive Assistant. The Legislative Branch (25), is comprised of one Senator for every 1,000 students enrolled at the university with eight (8) of these representing each academic college or Graduate school. The Senators serve on a Student Senate that passes bills and allocates funds to students and/or Registered Student Organizations for University related projects, events, or travel. Legislative tasks are divided among committees focusing on addressing issues affecting student life. The Judicial Branch of the Student Government Association presides over court hearings requested by students. The Judicial branch is composed of a Supreme Court and Traffic Court. The Supreme Court consists of seven justices, and Traffic Court consists of five justices.
SGA provides a leadership development program, EXCEL, for students interested in learning more about university and student governance operations. Visit to find applications for each semester
Contact Information
Phone: 915.747.5584
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Student Health Center
The Student Health Center (SHC) is located on the first floor of the Union East building and offers confidential health care services to all University students presenting a valid UTEP ID. Services (many free or at reduced rates) include office visits, nutritional counseling, HIV/AIDS testing (which is conducted every Wednesday from 11:00 a.m. to noon), laboratory tests, pap smears, and vaccinations
Referrals outside the Student Health Center for stitches, X-rays, specialists, and other medical services and treatments are at the student’s own expense. All emergencies are referred to local hospitals. Minor illness, injury or health concerns are treated by the SHC’s professional staff.
Student insurance is available and recommended for every student who does not have insurance coverage. Information on student health insurance can be obtained by calling 888.344.6105.
Contact Information
Phone: 915.747.5624
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Student Media and Publications
Working with student media and publications offers all motivated students the opportunity to gain hands-on, professional experience in a variety of facets of publishing through The Prospector, a semi-weekly student newspaper, and Minero Magazine, a bilingual, bicultural publication produced once each fall and spring semester.
The Student Media and Publications department provides a professional environment using the latest computer based publishing technology, where students receive training to become reporters, photographers, graphic designers, editors, or advertising sales representatives. Students must maintain a GPA of at least 2.0 and be enrolled for at least nine (9) undergraduate hours or six (6) graduate-level hours.
To ensure freedom of expression, a Student Publications Committee, composed of UTEP faculty, staff and students, oversees the student-produced publications. Student Media and Publications’ mission is to produce quality news products for the UTEP community. While doing this, Student Media and Publications trains, empowers and equips students to become communication and media professionals.
Contact Information
Union East, Room 105
Phone: 915.747.5161
Student Support Services Program (SSSP)
This federally funded TRIO program provides intensive academic and personal support for first-generation, economically disadvantaged students with academic need from their freshman year through graduation. First-year participants are enrolled in learning communities for two semesters to help them adjust to the demands of college. Transfer participants can take advantage of tutoring and workshops geared at enhancing both their academic and post-graduation goals. Students interested in applying for the program can get more information in Room 211, Union East.
Contact Information
Phone: 915.747.5349
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Student Testing
The Student Testing Office serves as the test administration center for college admissions, assessment and placement tests, and several state and national professional and certification test programs. The office also provides proctoring services for correspondence tests along with information about testing services for various state-wide and national testing programs.
Contact Information
Academic Advising Center Bldg.
Phone: 915.747.5009
Fax: 915.747.8013
Visit Department Website
The Union Building is the community center for the University of Texas at El Paso. As the epicenter of the campus life since 1949, the Union Building provides innovative, high-quality facilities and services while serving as a unifying force that honors each individual and values diversity.
In addition to student dining, study, and relaxation spaces, the Union offers some of the finest rental facilities on campus for meetings, conferences, banquets, and a wide variety of other events. These facilities are available to individual students, Registered Student Organizations (RSOs), University departments, and third-party organizations that provide educational programs and services to the greater El Paso community.
Contact Information
Union Services
Union Building, Room 307
Phone: 915.747.5711
University Bookstore
The University Bookstore is responsible for stocking required academic textbooks and supplies for all students. The Bookstore also provides the University community a large variety of reference books, school and office supplies, computer software and accessories, calculators, UTEP apparel and gift items, commencement apparel and invitations, magazines, book buy-backs, special book and software orders, specialty plaques, and computer hardware orders. The University Bookstore is managed and operated by Follett Higher Education Group.
Contact Information
Phone: 915.747.5594
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University Career Center
The University Career Center, as part of the Division of Student Affairs, provides programs and services designed to foster the career development of UTEP students and alumni from all academic disciplines.
Toward this end, the Department provides the following services:
- Career advising
- Resource area (career development literature, employer information, and on-line resources)
- Career development activities and workshops (resume writing, interviewing, job search correspondence, LinkedIn, etc.)
- Résumé, Cover letter, and Graduate School document reviews
- An on-line job database, called Job Mine, that includes information on job listings and employer-led events. Job Mine includes part-time student employment, cooperative education and internship opportunities, and professional employment.
- Internship Program (career-related work experiences for college students)
- On-Campus Interviews with Employers form the private, public, and non-profit sectors
- Career/Job Fairs
Students are encouraged to visit the Career Center early in their university career to develop a personalized career-development action plan. Reach out today to visit with the professional staff member that works with you academic college.
Contact Information
Union Building, West, Room 103
Phone: 915.747.5640
Social media handle: @utepcareers
University Heights Early Learning Academy
Child care is available for children of all students, staff, and faculty of the University. The University Heights Early Learning Academy is managed and operated by the YWCA of El Paso and is located at 315 W. Schuster. Children age three months to 12 years are accepted, depending on space availability (hourly, daily, weekly care available; Summer Camp for school age children). Age-appropriate early childhood developmental programs and activities are offered as part of the overall curriculum. The University Heights Early learning Academy is licensed by the Texas Department of Protective and Regulatory Services. Financial assistance is available for qualifying parents through Child Care Services.
Contact Information
Phone: 915.532.6000
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University Honors Program
UTEP Honors is designed to attract, retain, and graduate academically talented students and maximize their professional, educational, and service opportunities. The dynamic interdisciplinary program promotes student engagement and integrates closely with the UTEP Student Success Framework (UTEP EDGE). Networking activities and special events are geared toward the ultimate goal of preparing students for their next steps and lifelong success.
UTEP Honors engages outstanding contemporary and post-traditional students in innovative UTEP EDGE experiences that develop leaders, enhance confidence, improve critical thinking, and sharpen communication skills. In this way, UTEP Honors students are prepared to excel within and beyond their professional fields. The program incorporates high-impact interdisciplinary practices that include structured advising, team-based projects, research and creative activities, service engagement, and professional experiences. Each college will tailor the experiences to the specific professional and personal needs of each student.
UTEP Honors strives to give students a competitive edge by providing them with premier opportunities that will yield a foundation for professional success and encourage them ultimately to become life-long learners who are leaders in their fields and in their communities.
Contact Information
Administration Building Room 303
500 W University
El Paso, Texas 79968
Phone: 915.747.5858