Earth, Environmental and Resource Sciences

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Degrees in the Department of Earth, Environmental, and Resource Sciences offer a wide variety of career paths upon completion. Careers with private industry, government, and academic institutions are all possible. Furthermore, an MBA Fast Track option is offered because we encourage graduates to think about starting their own businesses. We have numerous internship opportunities available for students to supplement the coursework offered. We teach qualitative and quantitative skills highly relevant to professions in Earth and environmental science. The students will also be trained in writing, speaking, and data analysis. Overall the students will obtain an integrated understanding of the concepts and methods involved in studying natural systems as well as human interactions with these systems. Our graduates have the opportunities to travel around the world as part of their educational experience and pursue global careers. Professionals in Geological and Environmental Sciences generally report high satisfaction ratings with their careers and many paths lead to some of the more lucrative professions in scientific fields.
The department of Geological Sciences offers both the Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Bachelor of Science (BS) degrees in Geological Sciences, and a BS in Environmental Science.
Department Requirements
C Rule
Students must earn a grade of C or better in all courses taken within the Department of Geological Sciences that are used to satisfy the above Geology and Geophysics degree requirements. A student receiving a grade of D in a required course must repeat the course at its earliest offering. Students receiving consecutive grades of D will not be allowed to enroll in required courses until grades of C or better have been earned in the appropriate courses. A minimum GPA of 2.0 must be achieved in required science courses taken outside the Geological Sciences department.
Departmental Research
All undergraduate students are encouraged to complete research and/or internship experience. The preferred option is the completion of a GEOL 4399 Senior's Thesis. GEOL 4166 Directed Study, Geology - GEOL 4366 or GEOP 4167 - GEOP 4367 or GEOL 4189 Research in Geological Science - GEOL 4389 or GEOL 4390 Intrnshp Geological Sciences courses also fulfill this requirement.
James Kubicki
Contact Information:; 915-747-6552
Education: Ph D, Yale University
The University of Texas at El Paso
Earth, Environmental and Resource Sciences
Geological Sciences Building, Room 101
500 W University
El Paso, Texas 79902
Phone: 915.747.5501