Marketing, Management, and Supply Chain

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
The Woody L. Hunt College of Business, with departments of Accounting and Information Systems, Economics and Finance, and Marketing and Management, offers a BBA degree with the following majors: Accounting; Information Systems; International Business; Economics; Finance with concentrations available in Financial Analyst, Risk Management, and Banking and Financial Institutions; General Business with concentrations in General Business; Management with concentrations available in Entrepreneurship, General Management and Human Resource Management; Marketing; and Operations and Supply Chain Management.
Policies Concerning Admission to and Completion of BBA Degree Programs
- Students entering the Woody L. Hunt College of Business will be designated as (CBUS) until they have sufficient competency in English and Mathematics (completed RWS 1301 or higher and MATH 1320 or higher).
- Students meeting the College admissions requirements will be designated as Lower Division (LD).
- Admission to another major option program is limited to those students who meet the following requirements:
- Completion of the Non-Business Foundation Requirements and the Business Foundation Requirements as described in the Undergraduate Course of Study for the Bachelor of Business Administration.
- Completion of the following courses (or their equivalent) with a minimum grade of C:
Course List Code Title Hours ACCT 2301 Principles of Accounting I 3 ACCT 2302 Principles of Accounting II 3 ECON 2304 Principles of Microeconomics 3 MATH 2301 Math for Social Sciences II 3 QMB 2301 Business Stats & Analytics I 3 - An overall GPA of 2.0 or greater in all hours attempted.
- Upon completion of requirements in item 2, the student will be admitted to one of the specialty major option programs offered by the Woody L. Hunt College of Business. Upon admission, the major code will be changed from Lower Division (LD) to the major option code for the program.
- Concurrent enrollment in lower-division courses in item 3-b and upper-division business courses is allowed only once upon written permission of the Office of the Dean.
- Freshman and sophomore level courses can be repeated once and the latter grade substituted for a previous grade in the student's grade point average (GPA) calculation. Grades and attempted hours for other repeated courses will be used in computing the GPA.
- Only those transfer credits with a grade of C or better will be accepted for credit toward the BBA degree. Courses taken at two-year institutions or as a requirement for a two-year degree are accepted by the Woody L. Hunt College of Business as transfer credits for lower-division courses only. Courses taken at four-year accredited institutions and designated as lower-division courses can be accepted as upper-division credits if the course is taught at the upper-division level at UTEP and has received additional validation from the Office of the Dean. Transfer credit for upper-division business administration courses is restricted to AACSB-accredited curricula. Transfer credit for courses from institutions outside the United States will be evaluated independently. The applicability of transfer credits to the degree plan is determined by the Office of the Dean.
- To complete the degree, a student must comply with the following:
- Complete the required course of study as outlined below.
- Follow University academic regulations as stated elsewhere in this catalog.
- Earn a 2.0 GPA in all courses attempted within the Woody L. Hunt College of Business.
Note: Accounting majors must also earn a 2.0 or better GPA average in ACCT 3321 and accounting courses listed in the Accounting Option Requirement.
- A graduating senior must file an application for the degree with the Office of the Dean before the semester of graduation. Students are responsible for setting an appointment to clear for graduation during announced times.
- Students working toward the BBA degree cannot enroll on a pass/fail basis in any course taught in the Woody L. Hunt College of Business.
- Six of the last 30 hours needed to complete the BBA degree can be taken at another university; however, the student must receive written approval from the Office of the Dean before enrolling at the other institution.
- MGMT 4300 Strategic Management, may be taken only during the semester term in which the degree is to be conferred. Approval of the undergraduate advisor is required for enrollment in this course.
- Non-BBA students wishing to take upper-division business courses must be advised in the Woody L. Hunt College of Business, Room 104. Students wishing to take upper-division courses must have junior standing (60 credit hours) and a 2.0 cumulative GPA and must have completed the stated prerequisites for the course.
- Students must complete 50 percent or more of their Woody L. Hunt College of Business credit hours at UTEP.
- Students can pursue more than one major option by completing all requirements, including Major Option Requirements, for all major options selected.
Jose Ablanedo-Rosas
Contact Information:; 915-747-6041
Education: BS, Universidad Popular Autonoma del Estado de Puebla; MS, Universidad Popular Autonoma del Estado de Puebla; Ph D, University of Mississippi
Jose Humberto Ablanedo Rosas
Contact Information:; 915-747-6041
Education: BS, Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla; MS, Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla; MS, Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Campus Hidalgo; Ph D, University of Mississippi
John Hadjimarcou
Contact Information:; 915-747-7736
Education: BSBA, West Virginia University; MBA, West Virginia University; Ph D, Kent State University
James Hoffman
Contact Information:;
Education: Ph D, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Somnath Mukhopadhyay
Contact Information:; 915-747-7720
Education: B.Eng., Jadavpur University; MS, Arizona State University; Ph D, Arizona State University
Richard Posthuma
Contact Information:; 915-747-8646
Education: BA, Calvin College; MLIR, Michigan State University; JD, Western Michigan University Thomas M. Cooley Law School; Ph D, Purdue University
Associate Professor
Maria Garcia
Contact Information:; 915-747-5378
Education: BS, Universidad de Buenos Aires; MBA, University of Houston, Clear Lake; Ph D, Texas A&M University
Fernando Jiménez Arévalo
Contact Information:; 915-747-7724
Education: BBA, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México; MS, Oklahoma State University; Ph D, Oklahoma State University
Mengge Li
Contact Information:; 915-747-7742
Education: MS, University of Florida; Ph D, University of Houston
Edward Ramirez
Contact Information:; 915-747-7789
Education: BA, University of Tennessee; MS, Florida State University; MBA, California State University; Ph D, Florida State University
Miguel Ramos Gonzalez
Contact Information:; 915-747-5970
Education: BS, ITESM; MS, Stockholm School of Economics; Ph D, University of Minnesota
Prajya Vidyarthi
Contact Information:; 915-747-5380
Education: Ph D, University of Illinois at Chicago
Yang Yang
Contact Information:; 915-747-5598
Education: BS, Beihang University (BUAA); MBA, Brigham Young University (BYU); MBA, Brigham Young University; Ph D, Arizona State University (ASU); Ph D, Arizona State University
Assistant Professor
Narendra Bosukonda
Contact Information:;
Education: Ph D, Texas A&M University
Frank Cabano
Contact Information:; 915-747-7761
Education: BS, University of South Florida; Ph D, University of Kansas
Andrew Fultz
Contact Information:; 915-747-7774
Education: Ph D, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Matthew Griffith
Contact Information:; 915-747-6036
Education: BA, Metropolitan State College of Denver; MS, University of North Texas; MBA, Georgia State University; Ph D, University of Central Florida
Sergio Grove
Contact Information:;
Education: BS, UGM/Chile; MBA, UGM/Chile; MS, University of Illinois U-C; Ph D, University of Connecticut
Cynthia Halliday
Contact Information:; 915-747-7728
Education: Ph D, Florida International University
Yoonsun Jeong
Contact Information:;
Education: Ph D, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Nandini Nim
Contact Information:; 915-747-8402
Education: Ph D, Georgia State University
Assistant Professor of Practice
Michael Garcia
Contact Information:; 915-747-8631
Education: BSEE, University of Texas at El Paso; MS, Naval Postgraduate School
- BBA in General Business
- BBA in International Business
- BBA in Management
- BBA in Marketing
- BBA in Operations and Supply Chain Management
- Minor in Entrepreneurship
- Minor in General Business
- Minor in Human Resource Management
- Minor in International Business
- Minor in Management
- Minor in Marketing
- Minor in Marketing Analytics
- Minor in Operations Supply Chain Management
- Minor in Retailing and Sales
- Minor in Enterprise Resource Planning
- Minor in Human Capital Management
- Minor in Innovation and New Venture Creation
The University of Texas at El Paso
Marketing & Management
Business Room 230
500 W University
El Paso, Texas 79902
P: 915.747.5185
F: 915.747.5348