
Students who meet the criteria listed below must apply for readmission to the University:
- Former students who have not enrolled in courses at UTEP for more than one academic year/consecutive Fall and Spring semesters.
- Applicants who were previously admitted to UTEP but never enrolled in courses.
- Junior Scholars who have graduated from high school and wish to continue at UTEP as degree-seeking students.
- Transient students who want to pursue a degree-seeking program at UTEP.
- UTEP graduates seeking an additional undergraduate program.
Students who have attended other colleges or universities since last attending UTEP must submit complete, official transcripts in order to evaluate any course work completed.
Former UTEP students who left in good academic standing are guaranteed readmission to the University.
Former UTEP students who left while on Academic Probation or Suspension must have their status cleared prior to readmission. Refer to the Standard of Academic Performance section of the UG Catalog.
Readmission of Student who Withdraws to Perform Active Military Service
This section applies to students who withdraw from the University to perform active military service as a member of the United States armed forces or the Texas National Guard. Students requesting readmission within one year after being released from active military service will be readmitted to the University if they are eligible to register for classes. Upon readmission, the University shall:
- Provide any financial assistance previously provided before the students' withdrawal, if students meet current eligibility requirements for the assistance, other than any requirement directly affected by their service, such as continuous enrollment or another similar timing requirement; and
- Allow students the same academic status that they had before the withdrawal, including any course credit awarded
The University might adopt rules requiring reasonable proof from students regarding the fact and duration of their military service.