University of Texas at El Paso Academic Catalog

Academic Catalog

M.Ed. - Curriculum & Instruction

This program requires 36 semester hours, including at least 27 semester hours at the graduate level. Each student will have a Graduate Faculty Advisor to assist in developing the degree plan. All upper-division undergraduate coursework proposed for inclusion in this graduate degree must be recommended for approval by the Graduate Faculty Advisor.

Students can choose to concentrate coursework in the areas of Bilingual Education, Early Childhood Education, Educational Technology, or Engineering.  With Graduate Faculty approval, students who wish to focus on other subject areas can select courses from other UTEP departments.

All Master of Education Curriculum & Instruction plans include the following concentrations:

  • Dual-Credit Teaching and Learning 
  • Educational Technology
  • Engineering

Admission Requirements

  • A satisfactory undergraduate grade point average (GPA) 3.0.
  • A current resume
  • A written statement by the applicant describing the personal and professional goals as relates to the focus of the master program that is being considered for admission.
  • Applicants whose degrees are from non-English speaking institutions are required to demonstrate English proficiency. Please consult the Graduate School website for required scores.

The admission factors will be reviewed holistically to assess the potential of the applicant.  The successful applicant would typically have an undergraduate upper-division GPA of 3.0 or higher that demonstrates focus on academics, a current resume that demonstrates basic knowledge in education, and a written statement that demonstrates maturity and commitment to Education.

Students pursuing the Master of Education Curriculum & Instruction must pass a comprehensive written exam in addition to successful completion of their coursework.

Final Comprehensive Examination

During the final semester course work in the TED master’s program, the student will take a written comprehensive examination. The purpose is to synthesize the coursework showing an understanding of a master level teacher educator. Early in this final semester, the graduate faculty facilitates an orientation to the comprehensive exam to provide more specific information about the examination content and process. The following provides important details about the comprehensive exam.

  • During the final semester of coursework, graduate students will meet with the Graduate Studies Coordinator for an audit and verification of coursework; for approval to take the comprehensive exam; and for verification of completion of the application for graduation with the University Graduate School office.
  • The questions for this examination are prepared by graduate faculty. Students respond to one question from the professional development core courses and one question from the area of specialization.
  • It is recommended that students take no more than one course in the same semester as the comprehensive exam. It is also recommended that students take no more than two courses in the summer after the comprehensive exam.

Degree Plan

M.Ed.-Curriculum & Instruction with Concentration

Professional Development Core (All courses require a grade of C or better)
Required courses:
TED 5300Research for Classroom Teacher3
TED 5301Learning Contexts & Curriculum3
TED 5304Scholarly Writing for Educ3
TED 5313Diversity in Educ. Settings3
Select one of the following concentrations24
Total Hours36


Dual-Credit Teaching and Learning 

Concentration in Dual-Credit Teaching and Learning (All courses require a grade of C or better)
Select 5 additional courses from a certificate program from UTEP or a regionally accredited university or college
Resource Area3
Select one graduate course from a certificate program from UTEP or a regionally accredited university or college
Additional Work6
Select two graduate level courses in education relevant to the student’s concentration.
TED 5345Dual Credit Teaching and Rsch3

For more information, please visit the department's website.

Educational Technology

Required Credits: 36

Technology Core (All courses require a grade of C or better)
EDT 5372Web Tools for Construct Clsrm3
EDT 5373Adv Productivity Tech/Clsrm3
EDT 5374Pedagogy/Technology-rich Clsrm3
EDT 5375Tech Assist Tools/Issue/Access3
Resource Area and Electives (All courses require a grade of C or better)
Resource Area
Select six additional hours of graduate Education from the Resource Area & Electives list 16
Other Electives:
Select six additional hours of graduate electives 26
Total Hours24

TED 5303 Authentic/Perf Assess Clsrm is recommended


EDT 5376 Assess Plan/Implment Tech Prog is recommended for ACP students


Required Credits: 36

Engineering Conc (All courses require a grade of C or better)
Required courses:
ENGR 5351Eng Fund Thru Innovation3
ENGR 5352Design and Systems Eng Educ3
ENGR 5353Strategies For Eng Innovation3
ENGR 5355Eng Societal Impact & Ethics3
ENGR 5356Leadshp & Entrep in Eng Career3
Resource Area and Electives (All courses require a grade of C or better)
Required Courses:
ENGR 5354Sustaining 7-12 Eng Programs3
Other Electives:
Select two courses of the following:6
Current Topics in Math Educ.
Authent Assess in Math Classrm
Total Hours24

Resource Area & Electives

All courses require a grade of C or better.

BED 5330Curr Topics In Bilingual/ESL3
BED 5331Found of Bil and Teach Emr Bil3
BED 5332Literacy Dev. in Spanish3
BED 5334Teach Content & Lit in Spanish3
BED 5335Dual Language Education3
BED 5336Biliteracy3
BED 5337Mentoring/Literacy Educators3
BED 5338Place, Practice, & Identity3
BED 5343Content Area Intstr for EBs3
ECED 5350Curr Topics Early Cldhd Educ3
ECED 5353Early Lit/Multi-Lit Dev & Curr3
ECED 5354Early STEM/STEAM Dev & Curr3
EDAD 5310Administrative Leadership3
EDAD 5311Curriculum Renewal3
EDAD 5312Instructional Leadership3
EDAD 5314School-Based Budgeting3
EDAD 5340School Community Leadership3
EDAD 5342Educational Law3
EDAD 5345Ed Leadrshp in Diverse Society3
EDAD 5346Ed Prog Plan, Asses. & Eval.3
EDAD 5348Admn of Sch Personnel Services3
EDAD 5365Directed Individual Study3
EDAD 5352Integ Sem Inst Lead & Prof Dev3
EDAD 5370Grad Wkshp in Ed Admin & Suprv3
EDAD 5375Schl. Lead Field-Based Pract I3
EDAD 5376Sch Lead Field-Based Pract II3
EDAD 5380Schl Organiz, Reform & Renewal3
EDAD 5384Educ Facilities Management3
EDAD 53853
EDAD 5386Educational Policy Development3
EDAD 5387Higher Educ Policy Analysis3
EDAD 5388Central Office Administration3
EDAD 5389Schl Superintendent Practicum3
EDAD 5391History of Higher Education3
EDAD 5392The Community College3
EDAD 5393Legal & Ethical Issue in HE3
EDAD 5394Higher Ed Org & Gov3
EDAD 5396Higher Education Finance3
EDAD 5397College Student Learn & Devel.3
EDAD 5398Thesis Research3
EDAD 5399Thesis Writing3
EDPC 5310Appl. Res. Des. for Coun & Spe3
EDPC 5317Human Growth and Development3
EDPC 5320Lifestyle & Career Development3
EDPC 5321School Counseling3
EDPC 5322Mental Health Counseling3
EDPC 5324Ethic, Legl/Prof. Issue/Cnslng3
EDPC 5332Prog Eval in School Counseling3
EDPC 5333Crisis Counseling3
EDPC 5334Classroom Based Appraisal3
EDPC 5335Prin of Appraisal & Assessment3
EDPC 5336Advanced Educational Appraisal3
EDPC 5338Group Counseling3
EDPC 5339Techniques of Counseling3
EDPC 5341Theories of Counseling3
EDPC 5344Use/Interpret of Cog. Measures3
EDPC 5345Abnormal Human Behavior3
EDPC 5346Counsel Multicult/Div Popula3
EDPC 5347Addictions Counseling3
EDPC 5348Assess/Instruction for Student3
EDPC 5349Cognitive/Behavioral Therapies3
EDPC 5360Intro Marriage & Famly Therapy3
EDPC 5361Family Theories3
EDPC 5362Cnslng Chldren, Adlscnts & Fam3
EDPC 5363Couples Therapy3
EDPC 5364Family Therapy3
EDPC 5365Directed Individual Study3
EDPC 5368Play Therapy3
EDPC 5369Prctcm for School Counselors3
EDPC 5370Special Topics in Couns & Sped3
EDPC 5371Mental Health Counseling Pract3
EDPC 5372Mental Health Coun. Intern I3
EDPC 5373Mental Health Coun. Intern II3
EDPC 5375Internsip for Ed. Diagnostics3
EDRS 5305Educational Research Methods3
EDRS 5306Qualitative Research3
EDRS 5307Data Based Decision Making3
EDT 5376Assess Plan/Implment Tech Prog3
MTED 5318Current Topics in Math Educ.3
MTED 5320Rsrch-Based Pract in Math Clas3
MTED 5322Ped Cntent Knowl in Teach Math3
MTED 5324Authent Assess in Math Classrm3
MTED 5326Cult Hist Epistmlgy/Pedag Math3
RED 5340Curr Topics-Reading Education3
RED 5341Assessment/Teaching of Reading3
RED 5342Content Literacy3
RED 5348Issues in Adult Literacy3
RED 5349Literacy Education Practicum3
RED 5350Mentoring/Coaching Lit Educ3
RED 5351Literacy/Biliteracy Developmnt3
RED 5353Lang Study for Literacy Educ3
SCED 5326Curriculum in Secondary School3
SIED 5321Sc Tools Stnd Tech Safty/Ethic3
SIED 5323Societal Context of Sc Educ3
SIED 5325Inquiry Sc Ed in Biling Settng3
SIED 5327Chem Ed in Feminist/Mult Cntxt3
SOSC 5300Current Topics/Issues in SS Ed3
SPED 5320Spec Ed-Historical Legal Basis3
SPED 5321Cont. Trends in Cult & Ling SE3
SPED 5322Applications in Bil Spec Ed3
SPED 5330Early Childhood Bil Spec Ed3
SPED 5337Assessment: Disability3
SPED 5340Learning Theories Across Life3
SPED 5345Interv Stud w/High Incid Disab3
SPED 5347Collaboration in Bil Spec Ed3
SPED 5350Special Topics-Special Educati3
SPED 5361Positive Behavior Interv & Sup3
SPED 5363Curr Trnd & Iss Addr Chall Beh3
SPED 5369Tch Rdng Wrt Mth/Lrns Hgh Inc3
SPED 5371Interv. Stud w/ Low Incid Dis3
SPED 5374Lang Disorders & Augment Comm3
SPED 5378Capstone in Special Education3
TED 5300Research for Classroom Teacher3
TED 5301Learning Contexts & Curriculum3
TED 5302Manage Student-centered Clsrm3
TED 5303Authentic/Perf Assess Clsrm3
TED 5304Scholarly Writing for Educ3
TED 5313Diversity in Educ. Settings3
TED 5319Graduate Workshop In Education3
TED 5396Independent Graduate Studies3
TED 5398Thesis3
TED 5399Thesis3