Online Student Policies and Procedures

UTEP Connect works with the university's academic colleges to coordinate and manage UTEP's portfolio of fully online degree and certificate programs. For a list of online programs, please see the UTEP Connect website.
Students accepted to UTEP Connect's fully online programs are subject to the policies and procedures in this section as well as UTEP's general policies and procedures applicable to all UTEP students.
State Authorization
The University of Texas at El Paso is an approved SARA (State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements) institution in the State of Texas. Thus, operation of UTEP’s online programs is authorized in approved SARA states, except where noted on the UTEP Connect Online Regulations website. For a current list of approved SARA states, please refer to the NC-SARA website,
UTEP Connect program availability varies by state. Program admission at the time of acceptance is dependent upon the student’s physical location at the time of admission. Should a student change location prior to completion of the program, continuation in the program is contingent upon program availability in the student’s new location. It is the student’s responsibility to notify the university in the event of a change in physical location.
Programs in fields which lead to professional licensure may not meet licensure requirements in states outside of Texas. Students may find more detailed information about their home state’s requirements by visiting the UTEP Connect Professional Licensure website.
Specific questions related to State Authorization or professional licensure outside of Texas can be directed to
The University of Texas at El Paso is committed to providing the highest quality educational experience to our online students. Should a current or prospective online student have a complaint, U.S. Department of Education regulations require institutions offering online programs to provide students with information on how to file complaints with the institution’s accrediting agency and/or with an appropriate state agency in the student’s home state.
A UTEP student with a complaint should first follow the UTEP complaint process.
A student may also file a complaint with the designated agency in the state where he or she is receiving instruction or with UTEP’s accrediting agency using the contact information provided on the UTEP Connect Complaints website.
For the most up to date information the complaint process and contact information, please see the UTEP Connect Online Regulations websites.
UTEP Connect students enrolled in fully online programs are generally not permitted to take face-to-face courses on campus. If an exception is required, the student can make an appeal to their UTEP Connect or Academic Program Advisor.
Undergraduate Transfer Students Applying to UTEP Connect
Undergraduate transfer students seeking a bachelor's degree in any of UTEP Connect's fully online programs must submit an application for admission and original copies of their transcripts to the Office of Admissions. Transfer students cannot be advised by the UTEP Connect Enrollment Counselors or Student Success Advisors until a written evaluation of previous academic work has been prepared by the Office of Admissions.
An undergraduate student may transfer up to 66 lower-division hours from a two-year junior or community college. Students must complete at least 30 hours of coursework through UTEP Connect to receive their degree from UTEP.
Admission, Advising, and Registration
- Individuals interested in a UTEP Connect fully online program should apply to the university no later than ten days prior to the course start date (see the UTEP Connect academic calendar for specific application deadlines per term). Admissions-related questions can be directed to UTEP Connect Enrollment Counselors at 1-800-684-UTEP or Please note that UTEP Connect does not offer online ESOL or developmental courses.
- In most cases, UTEP Connect's Student Success Advisors will advise undergraduate students with fewer than 45 hours. After attaining 45 hours, students will be advised by their academic departments. Student Success Advisors, however, will assist all online students, throughout their UTEP experience.
- Every effort will be made to accommodate students into the online courses they may need. Students needing to enroll in a class that is full will first be advised to select another course when possible. If no other course is possible, capacity override requests may be made at the department in which the course is offered. Please note that the capacity override is not guaranteed.
- Tuition and fees must be paid no later than the Friday prior to the course start date in order to avoid additional fees.
- Enrollment into a seven-week online course is not permitted after the Friday prior to the course start date. In extraordinary circumstances, late enrollment may be permitted no later than the first day of course. In the event that a student needs to late enroll in a course, the student must first secure the permission of the faculty member teaching the course. Requests should be made via email, which should then be forwarded by the student to UTEP Connect not after 5:00 p.m. Mountain Standard/Daylight Time on the first day of class.
Maximum Course Load for UTEP Connect Undergraduate Students
UTEP Connect offers courses in six 7-week terms throughout the year (two terms in the fall, spring, and summer semesters). UTEP Connect undergraduate students are permitted to register for a maximum of 15 hours per semester with no more than nine hours in a seven-week term. Permission to take additional hours must be obtained from UTEP Connect and the student's academic dean. Students must have a minimum GPA of 2.5 to request permission.
Nursing students please refer to the policies listed in the Nursing section of the undergraduate catalog for enrollment limitations and approval processes.
Undergraduate Change of Major between On-Campus and Online Degree Programs
- Current UTEP face-to-face students wishing to change their major to a fully online UTEP Connect program must have a minimum GPA of 2.0. They are asked to make an advising appointment with a UTEP Connect Student Success Advisor to review the new degree plan prior to requesting the change of major.
- Any petitions for change of major from a fully online UTEP Connect program to a campus-based UTEP program are subject to approval by the head of the program receiving the student. UTEP Connect students may change their major to a campus-based major one time only.
- Students wishing to return to a fully online degree program (after having changed their major to a campus-based program) must appeal to their Academic Dean in writing. Permissions will be granted only in special cases.
Undergraduate Change of Major between Online Degree Programs
Students wishing to change majors from one fully online UTEP Connect degree program to another must first secure the permission of the department/program chair or Academic Dean as determined by the College.
Admission, Advising, and Registration
1. Individuals interested in a UTEP Connect fully online program should apply to the university according to the academic program’s guidelines and deadlines. Questions can be directed to UTEP Connect Enrollment Counselors at 1-800-684-UTEP or
2. Most graduate students will be academically advised through their home departments. They will also receive the assistance of a UTEP Connect Student Success advisor as needed.
3. Every effort will be made to accommodate students in the online courses they may need. Students needing to enroll in a class that is full will first be advised to select another course when possible. If no other course is possible, capacity override requests may be made at the department where the course is offered. Please note that the capacity override is not guaranteed.
4. Tuition and fees must be paid no later than the Friday prior to the course start date in order to avoid additional fees.
5. Enrollment into a seven-week online course is not permitted after the Friday prior to the course start date. In extraordinary circumstances, late enrollment may be permitted no later than the first day of course. In the event that a student needs to late enroll in a course, the student must first secure the permission of the faculty member teaching the course. Requests should be made via email, which should then be forwarded by the student to UTEP Connect not after 5:00 p.m. Mountain Standard/Daylight Time on the first day of class.
Maximum Course Load for UTEP Connect Graduate Students
UTEP Connect offers courses in six 7 week terms throughout the year (two terms in the fall, spring, and summer semesters) as well as three 14-week terms. UTEP Connect graduate students are permitted to register for a maximum of 12 hours a semester with no more than six hours in a seven-week term.
Nursing students, please refer to the policies listed in the Nursing section of the graduate catalog for enrollment limitations and approval processes.
Graduate Change of Major between On-Campus and Online Degree Programs
1. Current UTEP students wishing to change their major to a fully online UTEP Connect program must have a minimum GPA of 3.0.
2. Any petitions for change of major from a fully online UTEP Connect program to a campus-based UTEP program are subject to approval by the head of the program receiving the student. UTEP Connect students may change their major to a campus-based major one time only.
3. Students wishing to return to a fully online degree program (after having changed their major to a campus-based program) must appeal to the academic program advisor in writing.
Graduate Change between Online Degree Programs
Students wishing to change from one fully online UTEP Connect Graduate degree program to another fully online program must apply to the new Graduate program. Acceptance is at the discretion of the academic program. Contact the Graduate School for additional information.