Title IX Compliance

The University of Texas at El Paso is committed to maintaining a learning and working environment that is free from discrimination based on sex in accordance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any federally funded educational programs or activities.
Title IX protects students, employees, applicants for admission and employment, and other persons from all forms of sex discrimination including sexual misconduct, sexual harassment, and acts of sexual violence. Sexual violence may include rape, sexual assault, sexual battery, sexual coercion, stalking, and relationship violence. Title IX prohibits institutions from excluding, separating, denying benefits, or otherwise treating individuals differently on the basis of sex. Sex based discrimination is prohibited at UTEP both by law and by University and UT System policies.
For additional information or questions, please contact the Title IX Coordinator, who can be reached by phone at (915) 747-8358, by email at titleix@utep.edu, or by mail at 500 W. University Ave., El Paso, TX 79968, Kelly Hall, Room 312. In addition to or in lieu of contacting the Title IX Coordinator, inquiries relating to Title IX may also be sent to the Assistant Secretary of the Office for Civil Rights.
Inquiries regarding Title IX should be referred to the University's designated Title IX Coordinator(s):
Gabriel Ramirez
Title IX Coordinator
Office of Institutional Compliance – Title IX
Kelly Hall, Room 312
Phone: 915-747-8358
Email: gramirez2@utep.edu
Andrea Lafleche
Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Office of Institutional Compliance – Title IX
Kelly Hall, Room 312
Phone: (915) 747- 8375
Email: aclafleche@utep.edu
Beatriz Tapia
Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Equal Opportunity Director
Equal Opportunity Office, Kelly Hall, Room 304
Phone: (915) 747-5839
Email: betapia@utep.edu
Catie McCorry-Andalis
Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Associate Vice President and Dean of Students
Dean of Students Office
Union West, Room 102
Phone: (915) 747-5648
Email: cmandalis@utep.edu