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Welcome to the Department of English! We are a large and diverse department, featuring undergraduate and graduate programs in English and American Literature, English Education, and Rhetoric and Writing Studies, including a Ph.D. program in Rhetoric and Composition, M.A. degrees in English and American Literature and Rhetoric and Writing Studies, an M.A.T. degree in English Education, and B.A. degrees in English and American Literature (ENAL) and English Education (ENGL). The First Year Composition sequence is housed in our department, which means that virtually every undergraduate student at UTEP comes into contact with us at one time or another. Our faculty have published widely across the fields represented in our department, and many of them have won awards for teaching and student support, as well as being recognized for their scholarship. We are committed to achieving the highest quality of scholarship and teaching, and we pride ourselves on welcoming and supporting our students at all levels, from their first semester in the university to the completion of their highest degree.
Undergraduate Degree Requirements
Requirements for all undergraduate degrees from The University of Texas at El Paso include successful completion of RWS 1302 or ENGL 1313 (or ESOL 1312). Course work toward this goal consists of a three-step program to develop college-level competence in composition, rhetoric, and research procedures. This program is designed to provide students the skills in language and communication which they will need for the remainder of their undergraduate careers and for professional achievement in their selected fields following graduation.
Students place into a first-year composition course by virtue of their placement test scores. Students should be enrolled in a composition course every semester until they complete the first-year composition sequence. All students must present test scores for placement into the first-year composition program. For information in this catalog concerning placement into the proper freshman composition courses, students should refer to the University College section, under Student Assessment and Testing,
Developmental English Program
The Developmental English Program prepares students for the first-year composition sequence. The program consists of ENGL 0111, ENGL 0310, and ENGL 0311. The program is located in the Education Building Room 205; the phone number is 915.747.5693.
English Degree Concentrations
Students are expected to consult with the Director of Literature, the Director of English Education, or the Director of Rhetoric and Writing Studies concerning the selection of concentrations and courses.
Bilingual Professional Writing Certificate
Students in any major who have some fluency in both English and Spanish are eligible to pursue certification. They are required to pass, with a B or better, a combination of two English classes and two Translation classes in the Department of Languages and Linguistics. They then pass an exit exam to receive the certificate. For further information, consult either the Department of English or the Department of Languages and Linguistics.
Joseph Ortiz
Contact Information: mailto:jmortiz7@utep.edu; 915-747-5276
Education: BA, Yale University; Ph D, Princeton University
Isabel Baca
Contact Information: ibaca@utep.edu; 915-747-6245
Education: Summer Credit, University of Warwick; BA, The University of Texas at El Paso; MA, The University of Texas at El Paso; Ph D, New Mexico State University
Beth Brunk
Contact Information: blbrunk@utep.edu; 915-747-6318
Education: BA, New Mexico State University; MA, University of Texas at El Paso; Ph D, University of Texas at Arlington
Mimi Gladstein
Contact Information: mgladstein@utep.edu; 915-747-6259
Education: BA, Texas Western College; MA, Texas Western College; Ph D, University of New Mexico
Joseph Ortiz
Contact Information: jmortiz7@utep.edu;
Education: BA, Yale University; Ph D, Princeton University
Jonna Perrillo
Contact Information: jperrillo@utep.edu; 915-747-6059
Education: BA, University of Michigan; MA, University of Maryland; Ph D, New York University
Keith Polette
Contact Information: kpolette@utep.edu; 915-747-5123
Education: BA, Central Methodist College; MA, Idaho State University; MA, Idaho State University; Ph D, Saint Louis University
Associate Professor
Lucía Durá
Contact Information: ldura@utep.edu; 915-747-5199
Education: MA, The University of Texas at El Paso; Ph D, The University of Texas at El Paso
Andrew Fleck
Contact Information: ajfleck@utep.edu; 915-747-0246
Education: Ph D, Claremont Graduate University
Robert Gunn
Contact Information: rlgunn@utep.edu; 915-747-6265
Education: BA, Oberlin College; MA, New York University; Ph D, New York University
Marion Rohrleitner
Contact Information: mcrohrleitner@utep.edu; 915-747-5647
Education: M. Phil., Leopold-Franzens-Universitaet Innsbruck; Ph D, University of Notre Dame
Lauren Rosenberg
Contact Information: lmrosenberg@utep.edu;
Education: Ph D, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Barbara Zimbalist
Contact Information: bezimbalist@utep.edu;
Education: BA, San José State University; BA, San José State University; MA, San Diego State University; Ph D, University of California, Davis; Ph D, University of California; Additional Administration Coursework, Harvard Business School Online
Assistant Professor
Elias Adanu
Contact Information: eadanu@utep.edu; 915-747-6248
Education: Ph D, Texas A&M University
Brad Jacobson
Contact Information: bjacobson@utep.edu; 915-747-6623
Education: MA, University of Arizona; Ph D, University of Arizona
Soyeon Lee
Contact Information: slee15@utep.edu; 915-747-8806
Education: BA, Yonsei University; MA, Yonsei University; Ph D, University of Houston
Celina Osuna
Contact Information: cosuna3@utep.edu;
Education: BA, University of Texas at El Paso; Ph D, Arizona State University
Oishani Sengupta
Contact Information: osengupta@utep.edu;
Education: Ph D, University of Rochester
Assistant Professor of Instruction
Anjanette Darrington
Contact Information: adarrington@utep.edu; 915-757-6696
Education: Ph D, Arizona State University
Judith Fourzan
Contact Information: jfourzan@utep.edu; 915-747-6624
Education: BA, The University of Texas at El Paso; MFA, The University of Texas at El Paso; Ph D, University of Texas at El Paso
Maria Isela Maier
Contact Information: mmaier@utep.edu; 915-747-5369
Education: MA, University of Texas at El Paso; Ph D, University of Texas at El Paso
Levi Martin
Contact Information: lrmartin@utep.edu; 915-747-6687
Education: BA, University of Texas, El Paso; MA, University of Texas, El Paso; Ph D, The University of Texas at El Paso
Teresa Quezada
Contact Information: tquezada2@utep.edu; 915-747-7714
Education: MBA, UTEP; Ph D, University of Texas at El Paso
Senior Lecturer
Esther Al-Tabaa
Contact Information: EAl-Tabaa@utep.edu;
Education: MA, The University of Texas at El Paso
The University of Texas at El Paso
Department of English
Hudspeth Hall, Room 113
500 W University
El Paso, Texas 79902
Phone: 915.747.5731
Email: english@utep.edu