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Each of the classes in the Humanities Program (HUMN 3301, HUMN 3302, and HUMN 3303, and HUMN 4390) fulfills the upper division Humanities electives for all students and the upper division Humanities block for all students in the College of Liberal Arts. Courses in the Humanities Program are an exciting and challenging way to satisfy all upper division humanities requirements. Whatever one’s major, as one approaches the end of the college career these dynamic courses are the ideal way to bring meaning and structure to all of the diverse subjects and experiences that make up a college career. Humanities students question the world. Through shared inquiry of history’s great ideas and creations students evaluate our cultural and intellectual heritage, exploring such basic human questions as how we learn; the nature of the state; the rights and responsibilities of individuals in the community; concepts of human nature; the human species as victim, antagonist, or part of nature; the supernatural; esthetics; and technology. HUMN 3301, HUMN 3302, and HUMN 3303 are also offered in a totally online format.
Ronald Weber
Associate Professor
Steven Best
Contact Information:; 915-747-5097
Education: Ph D, The University of Texas at Austin
Ronald Weber
Contact Information:; 915-747-6512
Education: BA, Fort Hays Kansas State University; MA, University of Wisconsin; Ph D, University of Wisconsin
Assistant Professor of Instruction
Emily Durham
Contact Information:; 915-747-5609
Education: Ph D, University of Minessota
Associate Professor of Instruction
Clayton Bench
Contact Information:;
Education: Ph D, University of Alberta
The University of Texas at El Paso
College of Liberal Arts
Humanities Office, Kelly Hall 223-C & D
500 West University Ave
El Paso, Texas 79968
Phone: 915.747.5835
Fax: 915.747.8504