University of Texas at El Paso Academic Catalog

Academic Catalog

Communication Courses


COMM 1301.  Public Speaking.  

Public Speaking: [TCCN SPCH 1315] Introduction to the theory and practice of public speaking; the inventing, arranging, phrasing and presenting of ideas to an audience. The complementary skills of speaking and listening are developed through criticism of speeches presented in class. ENGL 1311 or ESOL 1311 may be taken concurrently with COMM 1301.

Department: Communication

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Prerequisite(s): (ENGL 0311 w/D or better ) OR (ESOL 1309 w/D or better ) OR (ESOL 1311 w/D or better ) OR (TAKE score of 1 AND TAKL score between 2200 and 3153 ) OR (TAKL score between 2200 and 3153 ) OR (RWS 1301 w/D or better ) OR (BCPE score of 1 ) OR (TSIE score between 4 and 8 AND TSIW score between 363 and 390 ) OR (TSIE score between 5 and 8 AND TSIW score between 310 and 390 ) OR (S11 score between 480 and 800 ) OR (2TSE score between 1 and 4 AND 2TWR score between 945 and 990 ) OR (2TDW score between 4 and 6 AND 2TSE score between 1 and 4 AND 2TWR score between 910 and 944 ) OR (2TDW score of 4 AND 2TSE score between 5 and 8 AND 2TWR score between 910 and 944 ) OR (BCE2 score of 1)

COMM 1302.  Business/Profession Comm.  

Business and Professional Communication: [TCCN SPCH 1321] A course in communication covering both informative and persuasive presentations as these occur in business and professional activities. Instruction and guided practice, informal and semi-formal speaking situations. ENGL 1311 or ESOL 1311 may be taken concurrently with COMM 1302.

Department: Communication

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Prerequisite(s): (ENGL 0311 w/D or better ) OR (ESOL 1309 w/D or better ) OR (ESOL 1311 w/D or better ) OR (TAKE score of 1 AND TAKL score between 2200 and 3153 ) OR (TAKL score between 2200 and 3153 AND TAKW score between 3 and 6 ) OR (RWS 1301 w/D or better ) OR (BCPE score of 1 ) OR (S11 score between 480 and 800)

COMM 1370.  Intro To Communication Studies.  

Introduction to Communication Studies: [TCCN COMM 2300] An introduction to the field of communication. A survey of theories and issues associated with the communication process from intrapersonal communication to mass communication.

Department: Communication

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

COMM 1611.  Written and Oral Communication.  

Written and Oral Communication (6-0) Integrated study of and practice in oral and written communication, with emphasis on the processes leading to the creation of effective essays and speeches. Students are offered the opportunity to develop complementary skills of reading and listening through extensive responses to others' written and spoken work. Counts for RWS 1301 and COMM 1301. Prerequisite: ENGL 0311 with a grade of "C" or better or placement by examination.

Department: Communication

6 Credit Hours
6 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
6 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Prerequisite(s): (ENGL 0311 w/C or better ) OR (BCPE score of 1 ) OR (S11 score between 480 and 800)

COMM 2201.  Forensic Practicum: Debate.  

Forensic Practicum: Debate (0-4) Practical laboratory experience in all phases of research, case preparation, argumentation, and analysis of the current national debate topic and/or the current Cross-Examination Debate Association topic; may include preparation for Lincoln-Douglas and parliamentary debate formats. Offers preparation for intercollegiate competition and for participation in on-campus public debate program which may include topics of local/current interest. May be repeated for credit.

Department: Communication

2 Credit Hours
4 Total Contact Hours
4 Lab Hours
0 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

COMM 2202.  Forensic Practicum: Ind Events.  

Forensic Practicum: Individual Events (0-4) Practical laboratory experience in all phases of public speaking and oral interpretation of literature, including extemporaneous, impromptu, informative, and persuasive public speaking, as well as prose, poetry, dramatic and dramatic duo interpretation of literature. Emphasis on conception, design, research, composition, and delivery of speeches and oral interpretation presentations. Offers preparation for intercollegiate competition and for performances in on-campus public program. May be repeated for credit.

Department: Communication

2 Credit Hours
4 Total Contact Hours
4 Lab Hours
0 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

COMM 2310.  Basic Multimedia Writing.  

An introduction to writing techniques used in media with a strong emphasis on multimedia style and story construction, grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Intro to print, broadcast and Internet media writing, video and audio, digital photography and web design. Prerequisites: Sophomore standing, COMM 1370 with a grade of "C" or better, and departmental approval.

Department: Communication

3 Credit Hours
6 Total Contact Hours
3 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Prerequisite(s): (COMM 1370 w/C or better)

COMM 2330.  Principles of Advertising.  

Principles of Advertising: [TCCN COMM 2327] The role of advertising in society. Basic concepts include marketing message creation, budget determination, agency-client relationships, creative strategy, media considerations, and social and ethical responsibility of advertisers.

Department: Communication

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Prerequisite(s): (COMM 1370 w/D or better)

COMM 2342.  Intro. to Video Production.  

Introduction to Video Production: [TCCN COMM 1336] An introduction to the history, theory, technology and production of visual communication from cameras to computers. Course fee required.

Department: Communication

3 Credit Hours
5 Total Contact Hours
2 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Prerequisite(s): (COMM 1370 w/D or better)

COMM 2343.  Audio in Media.  

Audio In Media: [TCCN COMM 2303] The history, theory, and production of audio communication. Development and review of audio techniques from analogue to digital formats. Course fee required.

Department: Communication

3 Credit Hours
5 Total Contact Hours
2 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Prerequisite(s): (COMM 1370 w/D or better)

COMM 2344.  Digital Video and Audio Prod.  

An introduction to digital audio and video production, which will familiarize students with the basic technology techniques and theory of audio and video production and recording; editing and scripting and transference to a web format; camerawork, lighting, and sound recording. Prerequisites: COMM 2310 with a grade of "C" or better and departmental approval. Corequisite: COMM 2373.

Department: Communication

3 Credit Hours
6 Total Contact Hours
3 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Prerequisite(s): (COMM 2310 w/C or better)

Corequisite(s): COMM 2373

COMM 2350.  Interpersonal Communication.  

Interpersonal Communication: [TCCN SPCH 1318] The study of contemporary interpersonal communication theory and research. Both theory and skills and emphasized.

Department: Communication

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Prerequisite(s): (RWS 1302 w/D or better)

COMM 2352.  Persuasion & Social Influence.  

Persuasion and Social Influence (3-0) An introduction to theories of persuasion. Analysis of the communication process as social influence in various contexts of communication. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing or department approval.

Department: Communication

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

COMM 2372.  Mass Media and Society.  

Mass Media and Society: [TCCN COMM 1307] An introduction to the mass communication media in the United States, their history, their roles, and issues within the media. Print, electronic, and digital systems are surveyed.

Department: Communication

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

COMM 2373.  Intermediate Multimedia Writng.  

To further explore how interactive media enable journalists to tell stories and convey information both in traditional and Internet media methods. To understand and prepare students for changing methods of news gathering and news delivery. Students will also create a World Wide Web site, a Web log, and refine basic video and audio, digital photography, and web skills in the process. Prerequisites: COMM 2310 with a grade of "C" or better and departmental approval.

Department: Communication

3 Credit Hours
6 Total Contact Hours
3 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Prerequisite(s): (COMM 2310 w/C or better)

COMM 3313.  News Gathering & Investigation.  

News Gathering and Investigation (3-0) Emphasis on developing and writing news stories of substance and depth for publication. Emphasis on more complex issues and story structures with development of journalistic writing style. Includes news features, interpretive and investigative reporting and news gathering. Prerequisite: Junior standing and COMM 1370 or MC 3102, with a grade of "C" or better, COMM 2371, and COMM 3311. Course fee required.

Department: Communication

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Prerequisite(s): (COMM 1370 w/D or better)

COMM 3316.  Digital Photography.  

Use of digital photography for effective communication including journalistic story-telling and design in advertising, newspapers, and magazines, in both traditional and web-based media platforms. Prerequisites: Departmental approval.

Department: Communication

3 Credit Hours
6 Total Contact Hours
3 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

COMM 3320.  Writing for PR & Corp Comm.  

Writing for PR and Corporate Communication: Emphasis on writing press releases, newsletters and a variety of instructional and promotional materials that are used in corporate and other organizational settings. Students will gain experience in analyzing the audiences and contexts for public relations and corporate communication writing, and will develop skills in applied communication writing contexts.

Department: Communication

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Prerequisite(s): (COMM 1370 w/C or better)

COMM 3321.  Public Relations.  

Public Relations (3-0) Principles, techniques and methods used in public relations. Prerequisites: Junior standing and either COMM 2371 or MC 3201, with a grade of "C" or better.

Department: Communication

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Prerequisite(s): (COMM 1370 w/C or better)

COMM 3322.  Communication and Conflict.  

Communication and Conflict (3-0) This undergraduate course is designed to explore communication processes in interpersonal, organizational, and social conflict, and focus extensively on conflict management techniques in a variety of settings. In particular, the course will examine: (a) basic principles and theories of communication, and conflict (b) contextual factors affecting the emergence of conflict (c) the practice of conflict management and social change, and the outcomes of productive and destructive conflict. Prerequisite: COMM 1370 with a grade of "C" or better, or instructor approval.

Department: Communication

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Prerequisite(s): (COMM 1370 w/C or better)

COMM 3323.  Comm & Org Leadership.  

Communication and Organizational Leadership (3-0) This course analyzes leadership as a communication process, focusing on concepts, theories and functions important in the leadership of organizations. The course particularly concentrates on leaders as change agents, as creators of community, and as facilitators of diversity. The course is predominantly concerned with evolving theories of leadership and the importance of communication in the enactment of leadership behaviors. This course may be used to satisfy the Social and Behavioral Sciences block of the Liberal Arts degree plan.

Department: Communication

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

COMM 3332.  Ad Design, Graphics & Layout.  

Advertising Design, Graphics and Layout (3-1) Use of graphics for effective communication including typography, color, photography, design in advertising, newspaper and magazine, computer-based software applications, and printing methods. Includes basic production of newspaper, magazine and internet advertising from conceptualization to comprehensives. Prerequisite: COMM 2330 with a grade of "C" or better.

Department: Communication

3 Credit Hours
4 Total Contact Hours
1 Lab Hour
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Classification Restrictions:
Restricted to class of JR, SR

Prerequisite(s): (COMM 2330 w/C or better)

COMM 3333.  Creative Strategy/Copywriting.  

Creative Strategy/Copywriting (3-1) Strategic research, problem definition, planning creativity, and ethics in advertising and public service announcements. Applying the techniques of research and the principles of communication and persuasion to the development of objectives, strategy and creative concepts. The theory and practice of developing appropriate messages to reach and influence target audiences. Integrating research, strategy and audio/visual methodology into the creation of concepts and copy for the primary ad media. Includes consumer and business media and direct advertising. Prerequisites: COMM 2330 and COMM 3332 each with a grade of "C" or better and Junior standing. Course fee required.

Department: Communication

3 Credit Hours
4 Total Contact Hours
1 Lab Hour
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Prerequisite(s): (COMM 2330 w/C or better ) AND (COMM 3332 w/C or better)

COMM 3336.  International Advertising.  

International Advertising (3-0) Introduction to advertising on an international basis. Examines cultural differences and government's role in the marketing process, and appropriate strategic decision-making for global advertsing campaigns.

Department: Communication

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Classification Restrictions:
Restricted to class of JR, SO, SR

Prerequisite(s): (COMM 2330 w/C or better)

COMM 3338.  Integrated Marketing Comm.  

Integrated Marketing Communications (3-0) The course is designed to provide a brief outline of the historical development and present state of integrated marketing communications (IMC) by the advertising industry. IMC is viewed as data-driven and consumer-centric methods of communicating with consumers. The course examines the fundamental principles of IMC, the basics of planning and implementing IMC into a traditional advertising campaign, and the functions of databases in developing consumer-oriented IMC programs. The course reviews major components in the IMC mix, skills and tools required for students to execute succesful IMC programs as part of or in complement to an advertising campaign. Prerequisites: COMM 2330 with a grade of "C" or better or instructor approval.

Department: Communication

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Major Restrictions:
Restricted to majors of CMST

Classification Restrictions:
Restricted to class of JR, SR

Prerequisite(s): (COMM 2330 w/C or better)

COMM 3339.  Consumer Psych & Advertising.  

Consumer Psychology and Advertising (3-0) This course is designed to help students understand factors affecting the consumer decision-making process. Specifically, the course examines how advertising influences and responds to consumer behavior. The course discusses the dynamics between advertising and the consumer-decision making process. Students will be exposed to consumer behavior theories and concepts that are essential to the success of any advertising campaign. Class discussions and assignments will center on the applications of consumer behavior theories to advertising decision making processes and practices. Prerequisites: COMM 2330 with a grade of "C" or better of instructor approval.

Department: Communication

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Major Restrictions:
Restricted to majors of CMST

Classification Restrictions:
Restricted to class of JR, SR

Prerequisite(s): (COMM 2330 w/C or better)

COMM 3340.  New Media Advertising.  

New Media Advertising (3-0) This course is designed to familiarize students with recent developments in new media and their applications to advertising. This course will cover state-of-the-art developments in emerging and converging media landscape in the United States and around the world. Students will also learn important theories and concepts that can help them to incorporate new media into any advertising campaigns. Prerequisites: COMM 2330 with a grade of "C" or better, or instructor approval.

Department: Communication

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Major Restrictions:
Restricted to majors of CMST

Classification Restrictions:
Restricted to class of JR, SR

Prerequisite(s): (COMM 2330 w/C or better)

COMM 3342.  Intermediate Media Production.  

Intermediate Media Production (3-0) Advanced techniques of video production and technology. Prerequisites: Junior standing and COMM 2342 w/D or better.

Department: Communication

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Prerequisite(s): (COMM 2342 w/D or better)

COMM 3343.  Video Editing.  

Video Editing (2-3) This class offers "hands-on" experience using digital, non-linear editing software systems, including Apple Final Cut Pro, Soundtrack Pro, Motion, DVD Studio Authoring, and Digidesign Pro Tools digital audio editing. Working on Macintosh computers, students will complete a series of editing projects in which they will capture video, design and edit the video, audio, and graphics components, and then output programs to digital video or DVD. The course will also include lecture on the history, theory and aesthetics of film editing, which will incorporate screenings of exemplary films and videos, and class discussion and analysis of the concepts presented. Prerequisite: COMM 2342 with a grade of "C" or better. Restricted to majors: ELME and DMP.

Department: Communication

3 Credit Hours
5 Total Contact Hours
3 Lab Hours
2 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Major Restrictions:
Restricted to majors of ELME

Classification Restrictions:
Restricted to class of JR, SR

Prerequisite(s): (COMM 2342 w/C or better)

COMM 3344.  Media Programming for Radio/TV.  

Media Programming for Radio and Television (3-0) History and development of techniques for media programming in radio and television. Specific program formats will be analyzed and developed. Prerequisites: Junior standing, COMM 2343, and COMM 3342.

Department: Communication

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Classification Restrictions:
Restricted to class of JR, SR

Prerequisite(s): (COMM 2343 w/D or better AND COMM 3342 w/D or better)

COMM 3345.  Media Scriptwriting.  

Media Scriptwriting (2-3) This basic digital video production course is designed for students who have previously taken screenwriting and have a finished short screenplay that they want to produce. Emphasis will be on the process of breaking down a script, and visualization of the story into concrete filmic components. Following a series of production workshop exercises, the short films or scenes will then be cast, shot editied, and screened/critiqued for the class. Restricted to majors: ELEM and DMP.

Department: Communication

3 Credit Hours
5 Total Contact Hours
3 Lab Hours
2 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Major Restrictions:
Restricted to majors of DMP

COMM 3353.  Intercultural Communication.  

Intercultural Communication (3-0) Course explores the process of communication in culture, verbal, nonverbal cues, values, and person perception in cross and intercultural interaction. Prerequisites: COMM 1370, junior standing, or department approval.

Department: Communication

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Prerequisite(s): (COMM 1370 w/D or better)

COMM 3354.  Small Group.  

Small Group Communication (3-0) An examination of theories, research, and principles to small group communication. Both theory and skill development are stressed. Prerequisites: Junior standing or department approval.

Department: Communication

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

COMM 3355.  Organizational Communication.  

Organizational Communication (3-0) An examination of the theory and research on the communication process in organizations. Functional and interpretive theories and applications are explored. Prerequisite: Junior standing or department approval.

Department: Communication

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Prerequisite(s): (COMM 1370 w/C or better)

COMM 3357.  New Communication Technologies.  

New Communication Technologies (3-0) The theory and research of the effects of technology on human communication. Surveys the impact of the effects on human interaction mediated by various technologies. Prerequisite: Junior standing, COMM 1370, or department approval.

Department: Communication

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Prerequisite(s): (COMM 1370 w/D or better)

COMM 3371.  Communication Theory/Analysis.  

Communication Theory and Analysis (3-0) Survey of significant communication theories, providing a history of similarities and differences among theories and theorists. Theories will range from intrapersonal processes to mass communication. Prerequisites: COMM 1370 and junior standing.

Department: Communication

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Prerequisite(s): (COMM 1370 w/D or better)

COMM 4300.  Communication Internship.  

Communication Internship (0-0-15) Students in this program are provided an opportunity to gain practical experience through unremunerated professional participation in the activities of professional firms, agencies, or departments in their major emphasis area. Prerequisites: GPA 2.5, department approval, junior standing, either COMM 1370 or MC 3102, and either COMM 2371 or MC 3201.

Department: Communication

3 Credit Hours
15 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
0 Lecture Hours
15 Other Hours

Prerequisite(s): (COMM 1370 w/D or better)

COMM 4312.  Feature Writing.  

Feature Writing (3-0) Methods of gathering materials for feature stories through interviews, research and observation; study of feature story form and style; discussion of markets for literary material, practice in writing feature stories. Prerequisites: COMM 3170, COMM 3271, COMM 3311, COMM 3313 with a grade of "C" or better, and senior standing.

Department: Communication

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Prerequisite(s): (COMM 1370 w/D or better ) AND (COMM 3313 w/C or better)

COMM 4313.  SR Capst: Digital News Bureau.  

Senior Capstone: Digital News Bureau This course will offer hands-on experience reporting for an online media outlet, and the journalism and digital skills involved in these tasks. Its purpose is to offer students an applied journalism capstone experience focusing on both traditional and new media skills. Course fee required. Prerequisites: COMM 2373, COMM 2344, and COMM 3316, each with grades of "C" or better and departmental approval.

Department: Communication

3 Credit Hours
6 Total Contact Hours
3 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Prerequisite(s): (COMM 2344 w/C or better AND COMM 2373 w/C or better AND COMM 3316 w/C or better)

COMM 4323.  Case Studies -Public Relations.  

Case Studies in Public Relations (3-0) Advanced theory and application of principles of public relations. Significant case studies are reviewed and analyzed. Prerequisites: Junior standing and COMM 3321.

Department: Communication

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Prerequisite(s): (COMM 3321 w/D or better)

COMM 4330.  Media Planning & Buying.  

Media Planning and Buying (3-0) Decision making in selection and use of advertising media. Evaluation of media alternatives in terms of marketing objectives, audience analysis, cost, and editorial and program content. Selection of space time units and media schedules. Project required. Prerequisites: COMM 2330 with a grade of "C" or better and Senior standing.

Department: Communication

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Prerequisite(s): (COMM 2330 w/C or better)

COMM 4331.  Ad Sales and Management.  

Advertising Sales and Management (3-0) Process of developing an effective sales staff in the advertising industry. Sales policies, procedures, techniques, time-management, client relationship, closing and sales services are discussed. Management procedures, policies, and responsibilities in the successful operation of advertising industries. Areas covered are planning, problem solving, personnel, facilities, government, financial resources, and public service. Prerequisites: COMM 2330 and COMM 4330 each with a grade of "C" or better.

Department: Communication

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Classification Restrictions:
Restricted to class of SR

Prerequisite(s): (COMM 2330 w/C or better ) AND (COMM 4330 w/C or better)

COMM 4335.  Advertising Campaigns.  

Advertising Campaigns (3-3) Strategic research, problem definition, audience definition, planning, creativity, and ethics in advertising and public service campaign development. Applying the techniques of research and the principles of communication and persuasion to the development of advertising objectives, strategy and creative concepts. Project required. Offered in Fall semester only. Prerequisites: COMM 2330, COMM 3332, COMM 3333, and COMM 4330 each with a grade of "C" or better and Senior standing. Laboratory fee required. .

Department: Communication

3 Credit Hours
6 Total Contact Hours
3 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Prerequisite(s): (COMM 2330 w/C or better ) AND (COMM 3332 w/C or better ) AND (COMM 3333 w/C or better ) AND (COMM 4330 w/C or better)

COMM 4341.  Media Announcing & Performance.  

The techniques of announcing for radio, television, and related media. Emphasis on effective oral communication for commercials, news stories, and public service announcements.

Department: Communication

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

COMM 4346.  Documentary Video Practicum.  

Documentary Video Practicum (2-3) This advanced documentary video production course is for students who have taken COMM 2342: Introduction to Video Systems (or who have had sufficient previous video production experience). Classes and labs will cosists of lecture and group discussion of theory and techniques of documentary video production based on assigned readings and in-class screenings; and individual and group documentary film, with an emphasis on recent American television and theatrical documentary films.

Department: Communication

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Major Restrictions:
Restricted to majors of CMST, COMM

Classification Restrictions:
Restricted to class of JR, SR

Prerequisite(s): (COMM 2342 w/C or better)

COMM 4350.  Selected Topics.  

Selected Topics (3-0) Instruction of students individually and in groups in significant areas of communication which are not covered by regular catalog offerings. May be repeated for credit when content varies. Prerequisite: Junior standing.

Department: Communication

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

COMM 4352.  Contemporary Rhetoric.  

Contemporary Rhetoric (3-0) Study of modern humanistic contributions to theories of communication and persuasion. Prerequisite: Junior standing.

Department: Communication

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

COMM 4360.  Environmental Communication.  

Environmental Communication This course is designed to explore various environmental philosophies as they relate to communication contexts including at the local, national, and international levels. Topics include environmental journalism and news reporting, sustainability, consumerism, politics, environmental organizations, and ecoturism.

Department: Communication

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

COMM 4361.  Environmental Conflict & Comm.  

Environmental Conflict & Communication Common dimensions of environmental conflict communication cut across different scales and types of conflicts. These dimensions call for a generic framework that can be adapted to a broad variety of individual conflicts. The class follows a framework consisting of four elements: (1) assessment, (2) design, (3) facilitation, and (4) implementation.

Department: Communication

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

COMM 4362.  Gender and Communication.  

Gender and Communication The purpose of this course is to understand and discuss the relationship between gender and communication. This course examines the assumptions of traditional communication practices and the perspectives of feminist thinkers who have written extensively about rethoric and language. This course is also designed to connect theories to women's and men's gendered experiences in the world, through self and practical observation as well as intersections of race, gender, sexuality, and class.

Department: Communication

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

COMM 4363.  Political Communication.  

Political Communication This course is focused on understanding political communication from several vatange points and through several methodologies available in the discipline of communication including political rhetoric, strategic communication, public opinion, advertising and argumentation

Department: Communication

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

COMM 4364.  Communicating Positive Devian.  

Communicating Positive Deviance This course represents an investigation of the Positive Deviance (PD) approach to social change, exploring how small (micro) communication acts can help trigger big changes among individuals, organizations, and communities. The course provides an actionable space for experimentation and experential learning about PD.

Department: Communication

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

COMM 4365.  Comm Healthy Communities.  

Communicating Healthy Communities This course explores how health and healing acquire meaning through acts of communication, and how communication scholarship and practice can help shape healthy communities. Health is construed broadly in communicative and relational terms as also in terms of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being.

Department: Communication

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

COMM 4366.  Communication of Public Herit.  

Communication of Public Heritage The course uses cultural stuides, critical theory, and postcolonial theory to explore the framing of tourism in the West and Southwest and how public memory represents many of the people whose history is marketed as heritage tourism. A critical examination of how these elements influence representations of the past that, often incomplete, promote "food, fun, and fiesta" at the expense of complexity. An analysis of how the communication of these ideas perpetuates a fantasy heritage of the Southwest is addressed. Students conduct research on heritage events to find more inclusive ways to promote tourism.

Department: Communication

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

COMM 4368.  Borderlands Communication.  

Borderlands Communication Course examines communication within and about the US-Mexico border region, including contemporary issues and their historical development. A focus is placed on intercultural issues and ways to promote greater cross-border understanding, as well as strategies for countering the stereotypes often ascribed to the region by those outside the region. Students will analyze these issues and develop approaches to help those with an interest in the region to better understang border dynamics and how to address them.

Department: Communication

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

COMM 4371.  Communication Law and Society.  

Communication Law and Society (3-0) A study of the rights and responsibilities imposed upon and exercised by the mass media under the American system of law. Ethical considerations in exercising responsibilities vested in the media are highlighted. Prerequisites: Junior standing, COMM 1370, COMM 2371 or department approval.

Department: Communication

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours

Prerequisite(s): (COMM 1370 w/D or better)

COMM 4372.  Methods of Research in Comm.  

Methods of Research in Communication (3-0) An overview of the various social science methodologies used in conducting research in the communication discipline. Includes problems formulation, measurement of concepts, design, collecting, and analyzing data. Restricted to class of SR.

Department: Communication

3 Credit Hours
3 Total Contact Hours
0 Lab Hours
3 Lecture Hours
0 Other Hours