Minor in Enterprise Resource Planning

This minor offers students a broad and application-oriented view of ERP Systems, incorporating the world’s leading ERP business software and SAP University Alliances curriculum materials. This 12-credit minor program will bring ERP concepts and SAP software into the classroom to give students in business disciplines hands-on exposure to how enterprise-wide information systems support the planning and management of business processes across various units and departments within an organization. Newly hired graduates with hands on exposure to ERP and its role in managing business processes will be more productive, effective, and competitive within the job market. The certificate minor will incorporate the integration of Lockheed Martin-produced lectures and training into all classes within the Academy.
*Students must complete MATH 1320 with a grade of B or higher prior to admission in the Human Capital Management (HCM) Academy.
Students must complete the following courses with a passing grade prior to applying for the ERP Certificate Program
Code | Title | Hours |
MATH 1320 | Math for Social Sciences I | 3 |
ACCT 2301 | Principles of Accounting I | 3 |
ACCT 2302 | Principles of Accounting II | 3 |
QMB 2301 | Business Stats & Analytics I | 3 |
OSCM 3321 | Production/Operations Mgmt | 3 |
Degree Plan
Code | Title | Hours |
All Courses are Required | ||
BUSN 3333 | Business Processes Analytics | 3 |
OSCM 3332 | ERP and Busn Intell Systems | 3 |
ACCT 3320 | Accounting Systems | 3 |
OSCM 3333 | Production Planning & Control | 3 |
Total Hours | 12 |