University of Texas at El Paso Academic Catalog

Academic Catalog

Bachelor of Science in Nursing

As a graduate nurse, you can apply for a position immediately into a variety of settings usually within an acute care hospitals. Nurses are in high demand and the majority of new graduates find gainful employment upon finishing their degree or soon afterwards. After gaining some bedside experiences nurses can work in employee health, home health, telehealth, nursing informatics and school nursing. Nurses can also return to graduate school to obtain a Masters degree in Nursing.

Marketable Skills

Students will develop:

  • Purposeful communication: Nurses need to effectively communicate patient information to all members of the health care team. By doing so the patient will receive high quality care that is relevant, timely and error free. Nurses also develop communication skills to coordinate care for patient discharge needs to community agencies.

  • Critical thinking and clinical judgement: Nurses develop critical thinking skills to monitor the health care status of their patients on an ongoing basis. This skill is also necessary to develop clinical judgement which is necessary to prioritize patient care. These are two of the most important skills that nurses need to effectively function in an often fast paced health care environment.

  • Active listening: Nurses develop sharp listening skills to gain information from patients and their families to formulate a proper plan of care. Nurses also use their listening skills when communicating with all members of the health care team. 

Nurses develop effective social skills in order to communicate with patients, families and their peers. Strong social skills are also necessary for congruency in our communication Nurses develop problem solving skills to provide high quality patient care that is appropriate and responsive to patient's conditions. 

The undergraduate curriculum provides an innovative, integrated, and conceptual model for teaching and learning wherein critical thinking and decision- making are emphasized.

The curriculum is grounded in the sciences and is focused on addressing nursing and health care across the life span. The degree plan consists of approximately two (2) years of lower-division course work followed by two or more years of upper-division Nursing courses taken at the College of Nursing. The entire program is possible to complete in eight (8) full-term semesters. The curriculum culminates in preceptored courses that include learning and practice with experienced professional nurses in acute care facilities and in community health care settings.

Clinical Compliance Requirements

Students accepted into Phase 3 of the nursing program must meet all clinical clearance requirements. Please refer to Clinical Compliance for specific requirements. Failure to comply with clinical compliance requirements will result in students being dropped from courses

Traditional BSN Option

The Traditional BSN option is primarily designed as a pre-licensure entry to professional nursing practice educational program for students pursuing their first baccalaureate degree.  However, Students with a pre-existing baccalaureate degree are not precluded from applying to the Traditional BSN Option sophomore-level and nursing professional courses.

Traditional BSN Option Sophomore-Level courses nurs 2303, nurs 2502, nurs 2407

  • The required minimum cumulative GPA is 3.00.

  • The required minimum pre-professional courses GPA is 3.20.

  • Must be enrolled in the following major: Nursing, Generic

  • Minimum grade of C

  • Completion of TEAS for NURS 2502 and NURS 2407 (see TEAS information below).

  • Successful completion of Texas Board of Nursing Criminal Background Check for NURS 2407

  • Students will be administratively dropped from the Sophomore level courses if the above requirements are not met after final grades are posted.

  • NURS 2303 Intro to Nursing Practice 

    • MATH 1320 Math for Social Sciences I (C) or higher -prerequisite; may not be taken concurrently

    • BIOL 1305 General Biology and BIOL 1107 Topics in Study of Life I (C) or higher -prerequisite; may not be taken concurrently

    • BIOL 2311 Human Anat/Physiology I (C) and BIOL 2111 Human Anat/Physio Lab I (C) -prerequisite; may be taken concurrently

  • NURS 2502 Pathophysiology 
    • MATH 1320 Math for Social Sciences I (C) or higher -prerequisite; may not be taken concurrently

    • BIOL 1305 General Biology and BIOL 1107 Topics in Study of Life I (C) or higher -prerequisite; may not be taken concurrently

    • BIOL 2311 Human Anat/Physiology I (C) and BIOL 2111 Human Anat/Physio Lab I (C) -prerequisite; may be taken concurrently

    • BIOL 2313 Human Anat/Physiology II (C) and BIOL 2113 Human Anat/Physio Lab II (C) -prerequisite; may be taken concurrently

    • CHEM 1307 Intro to General Chemistry & CHEM 1107 Intro General Chemistry Lab (C) or CHEM 1305 & CHEM 1105 General Chemistry (C) -prerequisite; may not be taken concurrently

  • NURS 2407 Pharmacology for Nursing
    • MATH 1320 Math for Social Sciences I (C) or higher -prerequisite; may not be taken concurrently

    • BIOL 1305 General Biology and BIOL 1107 Topics in Study of Life I (C) or higher -prerequisite; may not be taken concurrently

    • BIOL 2311 Human Anat/Physiology I (C) and BIOL 2111 Human Anat/Physio Lab I (C) -prerequisite; may not be taken concurrently

    • BIOL 2313 Human Anat/Physiology II (C) and BIOL 2113Human Anat/Physio Lab II (C) -prerequisite; may not be taken concurrently

    • MICR 2330 Microorganisms and Disease (C) -prerequisite; may be taken concurrently

    • CHEM 1307 Intro to General Chemistry & CHEM 1107 Intro General Chemistry Lab (C) or CHEM 1305 General Chemistry & CHEM 1105 Laboratory for CHEM 1305  (C) -prerequisite; may not be taken concurrently

Students who do not meet Sophomore level or nursing professional course requirements have the option of transferring to another University major. 

Traditional BSN Option nursing professional courses

  • The required minimum cumulative GPA is 3.00.
  • The required minimum pre-professional courses GPA is 3.20.
  • Must be enrolled in the following major; Nursing, Generic
  • Minimum Grade of C for university core curriculum, preprofessional courses and Sophomore level nursing courses
  • Completion of TEAS  (See TEAS Information below)
  • Successful completion of Texas Board of Nursing Criminal Background Check
  • Proof of Health Insurance
  • Submission of Titer Lab Report
  • Students will be administratively dropped from the Nursing Professional Courses if the above requirements are not met after final grades post

TEAS  information

  • The Test of Essential Academic Skills is a requirement for Sophomore level and Nursing Professional Courses.
  • The TEAS test is an internet-based, multiple-choice exam that assesses a student's abilities in four essential subject areas: reading, math, science, English and language usage.
  • Students are required to earn a composite score of 65% or higher, with a reading score of 60% or higher and a science score of 50% or higher.
  • The TEAS may be taken up to four times in a twelve month cycle.
  • If the student does not pass one or more of the required TEAS scores, the student must retake the entire test to obtain the required scores.
  • The three required TEAS scores (composite, reading, science) will be accepted from the same attempt.  Students are not allowed to mix and match from multiple attempts.
  • Test scores that are at or above the minimum required score are valid for 5 years.
  • The College of Nursing strongly suggests that students take the TEAS while taking the pre-professional courses nursing courses. The TEAS is required for registration 7days prior to the start of NURS 2502. 
  • The College of Nursing strongly recommends students to prepare for the TEAS test. Students can purchase the TEAS study material and online practice assessments through ATI Testing.
  • Testing fees are determined by ATI. Testing fees for the TEAS test tend to change every July 1st. Please check the ATI Testing website for current TEAS test fees.
  • Students can register for the TEAS by logging on to ATI Testing.

Graduation Requirements

  • To be eligible for graduation, a student must have attained a minimum 2.0 Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) in the baccalaureate degree plan and a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.0 in the Nursing Major.

  • A candidate must successfully complete the prescribed curriculum and must meet all other requirements of the University and the College of Nursing.

  • Candidates must complete an application for graduation with College of Nursing Office of Student Affairs and submit the form to the Director of Advising.  It should be initiated during the next-to-last semester or session and completed no later than the deadline published in the on-line Class Schedule.

  • The College of Nursing Office of Student Affairs will review all graduation applications and conduct a final degree audit for each applicant. All graduation applications will be forwarded to the Registrar’s Office for processing.

  • Graduation fees may be paid through Pete’s Payment Options or Student Business Services in the Mike Loya Academic Services Building.

  • A late fee will be assessed if the student submits the graduation application after the official submission deadline.

Student Employment

The UTEP College of Nursing Undergraduate program is very rigorous and time-consuming. Students are strongly encouraged to carefully evaluate their personal and employment commitments to maximize their potential for success.

The College of Nursing assumes no responsibility for students' activities outside of the nursing curriculum. Students are personally responsible and liable for any activities conducted while employed. Student liability insurance provided by the University only covers students engaged in approved nursing curricular activities.  Individuals who illegally practice nursing may jeopardize their future as licensed professionals.

Students employed in a healthcare agency have the responsibility, personally and professionally, to engage in only those activities that fall within the job description.  Further, students have a responsibility to refuse to participate in activities that he or she has not been legally licensed to perform.

Additional Expenses

  • Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) including study guide.

  • Required dress and equipment for clinical practicums (See CON Undergraduate Handbook).

  • Ongoing assessment and testing in preparation for NCLEX-RN licensure examination.

  • Health and clinical clearances, including a drug screen and health insurance.

  • Background checks.

  • Application fee for licensure exam (NCLEX) and Pearson Vue. 

This list is not all-inclusive and is subject to change.

Nursing Student Organization

All enrolled students are eligible for membership in the Nursing Student Organization, an affiliate of the Texas Nursing Students' Association and the National Student Nurses’ Association. The UTEP Chapter has goals consistent with those of the National Student Nurses' Association. Its purpose is to aid in the development of the individual student, the profession of Nursing and the delivery of health care.

Academic Progress

Rigorous study is required to succeed in the Nursing Program. Multiple hours of preparation are required beyond the classroom periods and clinical experiences. Students must be willing to accept this as a condition of succeeding in the program.

A Nursing student must meet or exceed the following minimum requirements for each course in the Nursing curriculum in order to pass that course:

1. Didactic courses without a clinical lab

a. Students must maintain a minimum average of 75% on didactic course work. This constitutes the didactic evaluation of a course. Achieving less than a minimum average of 75.0% in the didactic portion of the course results in course failure. There is no rounding of grades and fractional points will be dropped. Extra credit is not permitted.

2. Didactic course with a clinical lab - In addition to meeting the conditions stated in the section above (didactic courses without a clinical lab), the following apply to courses with a clinical or lab component:

a. Clinical or lab related assignments must meet the minimum average of 75.0%. Grades or points given for clinical or lab related assignments are factored into the overall course grade only if the student has passed course's exams and/or quizzes with the minimum of 75.0%.

b. Students must pass both the didactic and the clinical or lab component of a course. Failure of either component results in failure of the entire course, i.e. failing to meet the clinical or lab requirements results in a failing grade for the entire course regardless of meeting the minimum average of 75.0% for exams and/or quizzes. Likewise, failing the didactic portion of the course results in failure of the entire course regardless of success in the clinical portion.

3. The grading scale is:

100 - 90 = A

89 - 80 = B

79 - 75 = C

74 - 60 = D

< 60 = F

4. Successfully pass the standardized exams associated with courses at or above the level designated by the College of Nursing (Please refer to “Assessment Technologies Institute (ATI) Policy and Procedures” in current SON undergraduate student handbook).

Course Repeat Policy

Repeating a nursing course because of failure or withdrawal is not automatic. The student must request permission from the Director of Advising of the Office of Student Affairs and the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Education to repeat a course. (Please refer to current CON undergraduate student handbook).


Students must successfully complete all prerequisite courses to progress through the curriculum sequence. Repeating a course disrupts the normal timeline of progression. Successful completion of a failed course does not guarantee automatic progression into succeeding courses. Students who vary from the normal timeline are placed in subsequent courses on a space-available basis each semester which include clinical. Successful passing of selected standardized exams at or above a level designated by the College of Nursing is also linked with progression. (Please refer to “Progression policy” in the current CON undergraduate student handbook).

Nursing Course Withdrawal and Repeat Policy

Nursing courses may only be attempted twice. A withdrawal from a nursing course that results in a "W" counts as an attempt. Students are not encouraged to withdraw from nursing courses as this impedes progression in the completion of the degree plan, but if a student chooses to withdraw from a course, this should be in writing (refer to the “Progression Policy” in the current Traditional BSN Undergraduate Student Handbook).

Dismissal from the Nursing Program

A student is academically dismissed from the nursing program after failing two nursing courses (Sophomore level or professional courses) or after two unsuccessful attempts of the same nursing course.  There is no appeal process for dismissals. A formal letter of academic dismissal will be sent to the student by the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education (refer to the Progression Policy in the Traditional BSN UG Handbook).

Safe and Effective Nursing Practice Policy

All nursing students must perform within the limits of safe practice. A faculty member can remove a student from a clinical site if the student's nursing practice is deemed unsafe as defined in the Safe Practice Policy of the College of Nursing, of which a copy is posted on the College of Nursing website.

Licensure as a Professional Nurse

Graduates seeking licensure must successfully complete the National Council of State Boards of Nursing-Registered Nurse Examination (NCLEX-RN) and the Texas Nursing Jurisprudence Exam which are administered by the Texas Board of Nursing. Graduates must complete the licensure application, which includes criminal background check information. The Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education will verify the eligibility status of applicants.

All students registered into NURS 2303 are required to submit a Criminal Background Check (CBC) Form to the College of Nursing Office of Student Affairs to submit to the Texas Board of Nursing. The Texas Board of Nursing will process the students’ information and eligible students will receive an email from Identogo© to schedule their fingerprinting appointment.

After fingerprinting, the Texas Board of Nursing will issue an initial outcome to the student (blue card or outcome letter). Students with incidents in their background check will be instructed by the Texas Board of Nursing to write a letter of explanation and submit necessary documentation. The initial review may take up to 30 days. Students may be asked to submit a declaratory order and a $150 fee for cases requiring in-depth investigation by the Enforcement Department. This process may take a minimum of 90 days to send an outcome.

Degree Plan

Required Credits: 120

University Core Curriculum
Complete the University Core Curriculum requirements. 42
Pre-Professional Prerequisites (All courses require a grade of C or better)
(the PPC GPA required for sophomore-level and nursing professional courses is 3.20.)
Required Courses:
BIOL 1305
BIOL 1107
General Biology
and Topics in Study of Life I
BIOL 2311
BIOL 2111
Human Anat/Physiology I
and Human Anat/Physio Lab I
BIOL 2313
BIOL 2113
Human Anat/Physiology II
and Human Anat/Physio Lab II
Select one of the following:4
General Chemistry
and Laboratory for CHEM 1305
Intro to General Chemistry
and Intro General Chemistry Lab
Select one of the following:3-5
Math for Social Sciences I
Calculus I
Fundamentals of Nutrition
Microorganisms and Disease
Introduction to Psychology
Sophomore-Level Nursing Courses (NURS 2303, NURS 2407, NURS 2502)
Requirements to register for the sophomore-level Nursing courses
1. A minimum overall GPA of 3.00 is required.
2. A minimum PPC GPA of 3.20 is required.
3. A minimum TEAS composite score of 65%, reading score of 60%, and science score of 50% is required for NURS 2502 and NURS 2407.
4. Must be enrolled in the following major: Nursing, Generic
5. Minimum grade of C. Students must pass nursing courses at a minimum of 75%. There is no rounding of grades and fractional points will be dropped upon final course grade.
6. Successful completion of Texas Board of Nursing Criminal Background Check required for NURS 2407.
7. Applicants transferring from another school of nursing must provide a letter from the Dean/Director of that school stating that she/he is in good academic standing and eligible for progression in that program.
Students who do not meet sophomore-level or nursing professional course requirements have the option of transferring to another University major.
Nursing Professional Courses (All courses listed require a grade of C or better)
Nursing Professional Courses
If requirements are met, students will be approved to take the nursing professional courses.
-A minimum overall GPA of 3.00 is required.
-A minimum PPC GPA of 3.20 is required.
-Completion of University Core Curriculum, pre-professional courses, and sophomore-level nursing courses with a C or better
-A complete Titer Lab Report
-Proof of health insurance.
-A cleared criminal background check by the Texas Board of Nursing to be eligible to register for the nursing professional courses.
-Completion of required TEAS scores (see above)
-Nursing professional courses
-Must be enrolled in the following major: Nursing, Generic
-Students must pass nursing courses at a minimum of 75%. There is no rounding of grades and fractional points will be dropped upon final course grade.
-Students will be administratively dropped from the nursing professional courses if the above requirements are not met after final grades are posted.
6th Semester12
NURS 3214Evidence Based Research2
NURS 3301Health Assessment3
NURS 3704Fundamentals of Nurs Practice7
7th Semester 12
NURS 3205Nursing Inform. & Resea. Util.2
NURS 3300Mental Behavioral Health Nurs3
NURS 3709Adult Health Nursing I7
8th Semester 13
NURS 4608Nurs Care of Child & Child Fam6
NURS 4714Adult Health Nursing II7
9th Semester 13
NURS 4306Transition to Professional Pr3
NURS 4511Population Focused Care5
NURS 4412Senior Practicum4
NURS 4133Senior Seminar1
Total Hours120

University Core Curriculum (A program may recommend specific courses. All courses require a C or better.)

I. Communication (six hours)

Courses in this category focus on developing ideas and expressing them clearly, considering the effect of the message, fostering understanding, and building the skills needed to communicate persuasively. Courses involve the command of oral, aural, written, and visual literacy skills that enable people to exchange messages appropriate to the subject, occasion, and audience. Course objectives for this component are: Critical Thinking Skills, Communication Skills, Teamwork, and Personal Responsibility.
Select six hours of the following:6
For students whose secondary education was in English:
Written and Oral Communication
Writing About Literature
Rhetoric & Composition I
Rhetoric & Composition 2
Rhetoric, Composition & Comm
For students whose secondary education was not in English:
Expos Engl Compos-Spkr Esl
Res & Crit Writng Spkr Esl

II. American History (six hours)

Courses in this category focus on the consideration of past events and ideas relative to the United States, with the option of including Texas History for a portion of this component area. Courses involve the interaction among individuals, communities, states, the nation, and the world, considering how these interactions have contributed to the development of the United States and its global role. Course objectives for this component are: Critical Thinking Skills, Communication Skills, Social Responsibility, and Personal Responsibility.
HIST 1301History of U.S. to 18653
HIST 1302History of U.S. Since 18653

III. Language, Philosophy & Culture (three hours)

Courses in this category focus on how ideas, values, beliefs, and other aspects of culture express and affect human experience. Courses involve the exploration of ideas that foster aesthetic and intellectual creation in order to understand the human condition across cultures. Course objectives for this component are: Critical Thinking Skills, Communication Skills, Social Responsibility, and Personal Responsibility.
Select one of the following:3
Intro-African Amer Studies
Latina/o Presence in the U.S.
English Literature
English Literature
Intro to American Fiction
Intro to American Drama
Intro to American Poetry
Making of the "Other" Americas
World History to 1500
World History Since 1500
Introduction to Philosophy
Introduct to Religious Studies
Seeing & Naming: Conversations
Introduction to Womens Studies
Global Feminisms

IV. Mathematics (three hours)

Courses in this category focus on quantitative literacy in logic, patterns, and relationships. Courses involve the understanding of key mathematical concepts and the application of appropriate quantitative tools to everyday experience. Course objectives for this component are: Critical Thinking Skills, Communication Skills, and Empirical & Quantitative Skills.
Select one of the following:3
College Algebra
Trigonometry and Conics
Math in the Modern World
Math for Social Sciences I
Calculus I
Math for Social Sciences II
Statistical Literacy
Elementary Statistical Methods

V. Life & Physical Sciences (six hours)

Courses in this category focus on describing, explaining, and predicting natural phenomena using the scientific method. Courses involve the understanding of interactions among natural phenomena and the implications of scientific principles on the physical world and on experiences. Course objectives for this component are: Critical Thinking Skills, Communication Skills, Empirical & Quantitative Skills, and Teamwork.
Required: Lecture/Lab Sequence plus Additional Lecture
Astronomy Lab I
Elem Astronomy-Solar System
Elem Astr Stars & Galaxies
Introductory Biology Lab
Human Biology Laboratory
Topics in Study of Life I
Organismal Biology Laboratory
Introductory Biology
Human Biology
General Biology
Organismal Biology
Human Anat/Physio Lab I
Human Anat/Physio Lab II
Human Anat/Physiology I
Human Anat/Physiology II
Laboratory for CHEM 1305
Laboratory for CHEM 1306
Intro General Chemistry Lab
Intro Organic & Biochem Lab
General Chemistry
General Chemistry
Intro to General Chemistry
Intro Organic & Biochemistry
Environmental Sci. Lab
Non-major Lab for ESCI 1301
Intro to Environmental Sci
Laboratory for GEOG 1306
Physical Geography
Lab for GEOL 1313
Lab for GEOL 1314
Principles of Earth Sci - Lab
Laboratory for Geology 1212
Principles of Earth Sciences
Principles of Earth Science
The Blue Planet
Natural Hazards
Intro to Physical Geology
Intro to Historical Geol
Fundamentals of Nutrition
Wellness Dynamics
Microorganisms and Disease
General Physics I
General Physics II
Laboratory for PHYS 2320
Laboratory for PHYS 2321
Introductory Mechanics
Introductory Electromagnetism

VI. Political Science (six hours)

Courses in this category focus on consideration of the Constitution of the United States and the constitutions of the states, with special emphasis on that of Texas. Courses involve the analysis of governmental institutions, political behavior, civic engagement, and their political and philosophical foundations. Course objectives for this component are: Critical Thinking Skills, Communication Skills, Social Responsibility and Personal Responsibility.
Required Courses:
POLS 2310Introduction to Politics3
POLS 2311American Gover & Politics3

VII. Social & Behavioral Sciences (three hours)

Courses in this category focus on the application of empirical and scientific methods that contribute to the understanding of what makes us human. Courses involve the exploration of behavior and interactions among individuals, groups, institutions, and events, examining their impact on the individual, society, and culture. Course objectives for this component are: Critical Thinking Skills, Communication Skills, Empirical & Quantitative Skills, and Social Responsibility.
Select one of the following:3
Intro-Phys Anth/Archeolog
Intro-Cultural Anthropology
Cultural Geography
Intro to Linguistics
Asian American Studies
Econ for Engrs & Scientists
Intro to Chicano Studies
Interpersonal Communication
Mass Media and Society
Principles of Macroeconomics
Principles of Microeconomics
Introduction to Ed Psychology
Action Research in Classrooms
Introduction to Linguistics
Cultural Geography
Leadership in Action
Introduction to Linguistics
Lang. Inside & Out: Sel Topics
Introduction to Psychology
Introduction to Sociology
Cultural Geography

VIII. Creative Arts

Courses in this category focus on the appreciation and analysis of creative artifacts and works of the human imagination. Courses involve the synthesis and interpretation of artistic expression and enable critical, creative, and innovative communication about works of art. Course objectives for this component are: Critical Thinking Skills, Communication Skills, Teamwork, and Social Responsibility.
Select one of the following:3
Art Appreciation
History of Art I
History of Art II
Chicana/o Fine Arts Appreciat
Introduction to Dance
Intro-Art of Motion Pict.
Music Appreciation
Jazz to Rock
Music, Culture, and Society
Introduction to Theatre

IX. Component Area Option (six hours)

a. A minimum of 3 SCH must meet the definition and corresponding Core Objectives specified in one of the foundational component areas. b. As an option for up to 3 semester credit hours of the Component Area Option, an institution may select course(s) that: (i) Meet(s) the definition specified for one or more of the foundational component areas; and (ii) Include(s) a minimum of three Core Objectives, including Critical Thinking Skills, Communication Skills, and one of the remaining Core Objectives of the institution's choice.
Intro to Global Business
Public Speaking
Business/Profession Comm
Intro-Computational Thinking
Computer Programming Sci/Engr
Eng Innovation and Leadership
Engineering Design Experience
Applied Engineering Analysis
Introduction to Leadership
Inquiry in Math & Science
Comm. Var. Across the Lifespan
Seminar/Critical Inquiry

4-Year Sample Degree Plan 

Bachelor of Science in Nursing
BIOL 1305
BIOL 1107
General Biology
and Topics in Study of Life I
MATH 1320Math for Social Sciences I3
RWS 1301Rhetoric & Composition I3
UNIV 1301Seminar/Critical Inquiry3
Creative Arts3
BIOL 2311
BIOL 2111
Human Anat/Physiology I
and Human Anat/Physio Lab I
HIST 1301History of U.S. to 18653
RWS 1302Rhetoric & Composition 23
Component Area Option3
BIOL 2313
BIOL 2113
Human Anat/Physiology II
and Human Anat/Physio Lab II
CHEM 1307
CHEM 1107
Intro to General Chemistry
and Intro General Chemistry Lab
or CHEM 1305
CHEM 1105
General Chemistry
and Laboratory for CHEM 1305
HIST 1302History of U.S. Since 18653
NURS 2303Intro to Nursing Practice3
MICR 2330Microorganisms and Disease3
NURS 2502Pathophysiology5
POLS 2310Introduction to Politics3
PSYC 1301Introduction to Psychology3
HSCI 2302Fundamentals of Nutrition3
NURS 2407Pharmacology for Nursing4
POLS 2311American Gover & Politics3
Language, Philosophy, and Culture3
NURS 3214Evidence Based Research2
NURS 3301Health Assessment3
NURS 3704Fundamentals of Nurs Practice7
NURS 3205Nursing Inform. & Resea. Util.2
NURS 3300Mental Behavioral Health Nurs3
NURS 3709Adult Health Nursing I7
NURS 4608Nurs Care of Child & Child Fam6
NURS 4714Adult Health Nursing II7
NURS 4133Senior Seminar1
NURS 4306Transition to Professional Pr3
NURS 4412Senior Practicum4
NURS 4511Population Focused Care5
Total Hours120