Minor in Women's Studies

There are many career options for students who pursue a degree in Women's and Gender Studies in the College of Liberal Arts. Students with a degree or a minor in Women's and Gender Studies, go on to pursue careers in media communications, non-profit organizations, advocacy, public health, law, education, and public policy.
Marketable Skills
Students will develop:
- Confidence: Students learn to recognize the history of women's activism to create a more equitable and inclusive society. As such, they are likely to speak up and advocate for equity and inclusion.
- Critical thinking: Students learn about various efforts to challenge exclusionary practices and policies to think of ways to create alternative realities for inclusion and equity in our society.
- Global awareness: A skillset that students gain by learning about the lives and efforts to achieve equity and social justice among women, men, and gender non-conforming people from various parts of the world.
- Leadership: students are encouraged to participate in student organizations, service-learning, and community engagement in various courses including internships in which students are partnered with community organizations to develop leadership skills.
- Problem-solving: Students are engaged with both historical and contemporary examples that call for creative strategies for building new models for solving problems and providing brighter opportunities for people of diverse backgrounds through an intersectional lens.
- Writing: Communicate using text in a clear and concise manner
Additionally, students will be exposed to media literacy, advocacy, and community engagement.
Women and men are invited to participate in this interdisciplinary program that studies women, gender relations, and sexuality. The program offers courses studying a range of issues that cross disciplines courses that deal with the impact of gender within individual disciplines, such as History, Political Science, and Sociology, to name a few. Although the Women's Studies Program was created in 1981, UTEP has offered individual courses in Women's Studies since the early 1970s. The program's primary goal is to foster gender equality in scholarship, in the workplace, and in society as a whole.
Women's Studies courses offer students a rigorous education in theories of women's oppression, diverse gender roles and sexual identities, the history of gender relations, contemporary economic and social policies affecting women and men, and the creative work of women in the United States, Mexico, and around the globe. Women's Studies courses also demonstrate that knowledge is created both in and outside of the University; therefore, many courses integrate the knowledge and experience of community activists, community organizations, and women in the El Paso-Ciudad Juárez region.
A major or minor in Women's Studies prepares students for a wide range of careers. Whether a student plans to be a lawyer, a journalist, a business executive, a social worker, an educator, or a political official, Women's Studies courses can help one learn about the specific challenges women face and develop solutions to gender inequity. If a student plans to attend graduate school, the minor in Women's Studies will prepare her or him for advanced study as a Women's Studies scholar.
Degree Plan
To complete the Women’s Studies minor, students must earn at least 18 hours in courses approved for Women’s Studies credit. WS 2300 - Introduction to Women's Studies is required. At least 12 hours must be completed at the upper-division level and in more than one discipline. Students desiring to pursue a minor in Women’s Studies should consult the Women’s Studies Director to determine a course of study suitable to their interests and professional needs. The following list of courses has been approved for Women’s Studies credit. Courses that are not listed but contain a substantial Women’s Studies component can be approved for the minor by the Women’s Studies Director.
Code | Title | Hours |
Chicano Studies: | ||
CHIC 3301 | La Chicana | 3 |
Criminal Justice: | ||
CRIJ 3321 | Family Violence | 3 |
CRIJ 4300 | Selected Topics - Crim Justice | 3 |
English: | ||
ENGL 3360 | Women in Literature | 3 |
Health Sciences: | ||
HSCI 4303 | Family Life & Human Sexuality | 3 |
History: | ||
HIST 3390 | History, Special Topics | 3 |
HIST 3391 | History of Women | 3 |
Kinesiology: | ||
KIN 4310 | Selected Topics in Kinesiology | 3 |
Languages and Linguistics: | ||
FREN 4390 | Topics in French | 3 |
SPAN 4390 | Topics in Spanish | 3 |
Management: | ||
MGMT 4399 | Current Topics in Management | 3 |
Political Science: | ||
POLS 4314 | Women, Power and Politics | 3 |
Psychology: | ||
PSYC 2305 | Psychology of Human Sexuality | 3 |
Sociology and Anthropology: | ||
SOCI 2315 | Soci of Marriage and Family | 3 |
SOCI 3341 | Special Undergraduate Topics | 3 |
SOCI 3370 | Gender Roles and Society | 3 |
Theatre Arts: | ||
THEA 3356 | Women in Drama | 3 |