University of Texas at El Paso Academic Catalog

Academic Catalog

BS in Kinesiology

Kinesiology is the science of human movement and physical activity. Students majoring in Kinesiology study how people learn new motor skills, the effects of exercise on the physiology and biomechanics of the human body, how to best treat and rehabilitate sports injuries, teaching physical education to K-12 students, and much more. Kinesiology is part of the fastest growing body of professions in the nation, with Bureau of Labor Statistics estimating future growth in related positions at nearly three times the national average for all occupations combined. Classes in the Department of Kinesiology prepare students for certifications as Strength and Conditioning Specialists, Personal Trainers, Physical Education teachers with certification, Health Fitness Instructors, Exercise Specialists, Clinical Exercise Physiologists, and for graduate programs in Kinesiology, Physical and Occupational Therapy, medical school and many others. Students at the undergraduate level select from two concentrations: Exercise Science and Physical Education Teacher Education.

Marketable Skills

  1. Students will gain the knowledge and analytical thinking skills of the physiological, mechanical, and structural functioning, and manners of how to improve function of the human body in relation to physical activity and exercise.
  2. Students will be able to effectively use instrumentation for training and measurement of selected physical functions.
  3. Students will be able to develop programs designed to improve physiological, mechanical, and structural functions.
  4. Students will be able to function skillfully as a teacher of physical education.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Effectively identify peer-reviewed articles relevant to a specific issue, accurately interpret the results and conclusions, and relate them to our current understanding of that issue.
  2. Accurately describe chronic diseases and disabilities, disease progressions, treatments, and adaptations resulting from exercise.
  3. Properly conduct and evaluate appropriate health risk appraisals and physical performance assessments for diverse populations with various health conditions.
  4. Apply established scientific principles to develop an appropriate, safe, and effective exercise prescription based on the data and evaluation of the health risk appraisals and physical performance assessments.
  5. Display a firm understanding of the importance and value of ethical and professional standards of practice and apply them when working with individuals.
  6. Demonstrate knowledge and skills equivalent to what is required to pass the ACSM-CCEP, and/or ACSM-EIM Level 1 and 2 certification and credentialing exams.

The Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology-Exercise Science requires:

  1. Completion of the general university core,
  2. Support Courses,
  3. Kinesiology Core,
  4. Kinesiology Electives,
  5. General elective courses to reach the 120 credit minimum.

The Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology-Physical Education Teacher Education requires:

  1. Completion of the general university core.
  2. Support Courses, 
  3. Kinesiology-Physical Education Core,
  4. Physical Education Professional Courses,
  5. All-Level Education minor

Students wishing to obtain a teaching certificate must select the Physical Education Teacher Education Concentration and the All-Level Education Minor. The Exercise Science is the appropriate concentration for students interested in careers in the fitness industry or in graduate study in Exercise Science, Physical Therapy, Public Health, Medical School, or similar fields.

Students who participate in internships with agencies or school districts requiring background checks must successfully pass the background check in order to complete the internship requirements. See for more information.

Students who already have a bachelor's degree in another field and who wish to pursue a teaching certificate to teach physical education, should examine the College of Education section of this catalog. Students desiring to pursue a Master of Science in Kinesiology should consult the Graduate Catalog.

Preparing for Graduate School

Kinesiology majors who are interested in pursuing masters or doctoral degrees (for example, programs in Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Public Health, Medical School, etc.) are advised to select the Exercise Science concentration. Students can include the prerequisite courses for admission to graduate programs as part of their elective credits in the degree plan. Prerequisites for graduate programs at other universities may differ from those at UTEP. For specific prerequisites to admission into graduate programs at UTEP, see the UTEP Graduate Catalog.

Fast Track

The Fast-Track Program enables outstanding undergraduate UTEP students to receive both undergraduate and graduate credit for up to 15 hours of UTEP course work as determined by participating Master's and Doctoral programs.  Not all undergraduate programs have elected to participate in the Fast Track option, so students should see their departmental graduate advisor for information about requirements and guidelines. A list of courses that have been approved for possible use at the graduate level is found here

Degree Plan

Concentration in Exercise Science (EXSC)

University Core Curriculum42
Complete the University Core Curriculum requirements.
Designated Core
All courses listed below are required:
General Biology
and Topics in Study of Life I C
Human Anat/Physiology I
and Human Anat/Physio Lab I C
Math for Social Sciences I (MATH 1310 or MATH 1508 is preferred) C
Calculus I
Trigonometry and Conics
The courses listed below are recommended:
Public Speaking C
Introduction to Dance C
Ethics C
Introduction to Psychology C
Seminar/Critical Inquiry C
Support Courses
(All courses require a grade of C or better):
BIOL 2113Human Anat/Physio Lab II C1
BIOL 2313Human Anat/Physiology II C3
CHEM 1305
CHEM 1105
General Chemistry
and Laboratory for CHEM 1305 c
Intro to General Chemistry
and Intro General Chemistry Lab c
CHEM 1306
CHEM 1106
General Chemistry
and Laboratory for CHEM 1306 c
Intro Organic & Biochemistry
and Intro Organic & Biochem Lab c
HSCI 2302Fundamentals of Nutrition C3
PHYS 1403General Physics I C4
PSYC 1303Statistical Methods C3
Kinesiology Core
KIN 1303Foundations of Kinesiology C3
KIN 3303Hist,Socio,Phil of Sport & PA3
KIN 3313Assessment and Evaluation3
KIN 3331Anatomical Kinesiology3
KIN 3332Motor Behavior3
KIN 4312Exercise Physiology3
KIN 4313Biomechanics3
Kinesiology Electives
Select 18 cr. from the list below:
KIN 2315Intro to Athletic Training3
KIN 3325Research Methods in Kin3
KIN 3327Health Risk Appraisal3
KIN 3333Motor Development3
KIN 4301Personal Training3
KIN 4310Selected Topics in Kinesiology3
KIN 4314Special Pop: Charac/Motor Beh3
KIN 4315Advanced Athletic Training3
KIN 4317Sport Psychology3
KIN 4323Current Issues in Exercise Sci3
KIN 4330Exercise Prescription & Prog3
KIN 4331Clinical Exercise Physiology3
KIN 4334Coronary Intervention Programs3
KIN 4340Sci Prin & Prac App of S&C3
KIN 4345Strength & Cond Program Des3
KIN 4350Internship3
KIN 4351Internship - Strength & Cond3
KIN 4366Directed Study3
KIN 4190Independent Study1
KIN 4290Independent Study2
KIN 4390Independent Study3
MS-KIN Fast Track Students Only:
KIN 5361Biomech. Tech & Basis of Sport3
KIN 5371Measure Tech in Exer Physiolog3
KIN 5372Advanced Exercise Physiology3
KIN 5373Motor Neuroscience3
KIN 5374Measure Tech in Biomech Analys3
KIN 5375Adv. Sci. Prin. Str. & Cond.3
General Electives
Select 15 hours of electives at any level from any discipline15

C Course requires a grade of "C" or better

Concentration in Physical Education Teacher Education

University Core Curriculum42
Complete the University Core Curriculum requirements.
Designated Core
All courses listed are required:
General Biology
and Topics in Study of Life I C
Human Anat/Physiology I
and Human Anat/Physio Lab I C
Math for Social Sciences I C
Calculus I
Trigonometry and Conics
The courses below are recommended:
Public Speaking C
Introduction to Dance C
Ethics C
Action Research in Classrooms
Seminar/Critical Inquiry C
GPA for Certification
This degree plan prepares students for teacher certification in the State of Texas. Although a 2.0 GPA is required to earn a degree from UTEP, the State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) requires a 2.75 GPA to become certified to teach in the State of Texas. For additional information, please contact your advisor.
Background Check Required
A complete background check is required of all students who wish to receive teacher certification in the State of Texas. Students will be required to pass a background check before certification will be conferred by the State Board of Educator Certification (SBEC).
Support Courses
(All courses require a grade of C or better):
BIOL 2113Human Anat/Physio Lab II C1
BIOL 2313Human Anat/Physiology II C3
HSCI 2302Fundamentals of Nutrition C3
PHYS 1403General Physics I C4
PSYC 1303Statistical Methods C3
Kinesiology-Physical Education Core
KIN 1303Foundations of Kinesiology C3
KIN 3303Hist,Socio,Phil of Sport & PA3
KIN 3315Princip of Teaching & Lead PE C3
KIN 3333Motor Development3
KIN 4301Personal Training3
KIN 4312Exercise Physiology3
KIN 4313Biomechanics3
KIN 4314Special Pop: Charac/Motor Beh3
KIN 4330Exercise Prescription & Prog3
Physical Education Professional Courses
KIN 3217Fundamental Movement Skills2
KIN 3219Individual Games and Sports2
KIN 3221Team Games and Sports2
KIN 3223Lifetime Physical Activities2
KIN 4319Teaching Elem. School Phy. Ed.3
KIN 4320Adventure Curricula in PE3
KIN 4321Teaching Sec School Phys Ed3
All-Level Education Minor
BED 4317Tch & Empwr ELLs in Sec Schls3
EDPC 3300Intro to Youth Dev & Spec Ed3
RED 3342Content Area Literacy3
SCED 3311Curriculum Plan-Secondary Schl3
TED 4698Student Teach: All-Levels PE6

 Course requires a grade of "C" or better

University Core Curriculum (A program may recommend specific courses. All courses require a C or better.)

I. Communication (six hours)

Courses in this category focus on developing ideas and expressing them clearly, considering the effect of the message, fostering understanding, and building the skills needed to communicate persuasively. Courses involve the command of oral, aural, written, and visual literacy skills that enable people to exchange messages appropriate to the subject, occasion, and audience. Course objectives for this component are: Critical Thinking Skills, Communication Skills, Teamwork, and Personal Responsibility.
Select six hours of the following:6
For students whose secondary education was in English:
Written and Oral Communication
Writing About Literature
Rhetoric & Composition I
Rhetoric & Composition 2
Rhetoric, Composition & Comm
For students whose secondary education was not in English:
Expos Engl Compos-Spkr Esl
Res & Crit Writng Spkr Esl

II. American History (six hours)

Courses in this category focus on the consideration of past events and ideas relative to the United States, with the option of including Texas History for a portion of this component area. Courses involve the interaction among individuals, communities, states, the nation, and the world, considering how these interactions have contributed to the development of the United States and its global role. Course objectives for this component are: Critical Thinking Skills, Communication Skills, Social Responsibility, and Personal Responsibility.
HIST 1301History of U.S. to 18653
HIST 1302History of U.S. Since 18653

III. Language, Philosophy & Culture (three hours)

Courses in this category focus on how ideas, values, beliefs, and other aspects of culture express and affect human experience. Courses involve the exploration of ideas that foster aesthetic and intellectual creation in order to understand the human condition across cultures. Course objectives for this component are: Critical Thinking Skills, Communication Skills, Social Responsibility, and Personal Responsibility.
Select one of the following:3
Intro-African Amer Studies
Latina/o Presence in the U.S.
English Literature
English Literature
Intro to American Fiction
Intro to American Drama
Intro to American Poetry
Making of the "Other" Americas
World History to 1500
World History Since 1500
Introduction to Philosophy
Introduct to Religious Studies
Seeing & Naming: Conversations
Introduction to Womens Studies
Global Feminisms

IV. Mathematics (three hours)

Courses in this category focus on quantitative literacy in logic, patterns, and relationships. Courses involve the understanding of key mathematical concepts and the application of appropriate quantitative tools to everyday experience. Course objectives for this component are: Critical Thinking Skills, Communication Skills, and Empirical & Quantitative Skills.
Select one of the following:3
College Algebra
Trigonometry and Conics
Math in the Modern World
Math for Social Sciences I
Calculus I
Math for Social Sciences II
Statistical Literacy
Elementary Statistical Methods

V. Life & Physical Sciences (six hours)

Courses in this category focus on describing, explaining, and predicting natural phenomena using the scientific method. Courses involve the understanding of interactions among natural phenomena and the implications of scientific principles on the physical world and on experiences. Course objectives for this component are: Critical Thinking Skills, Communication Skills, Empirical & Quantitative Skills, and Teamwork.
Required: Lecture/Lab Sequence plus Additional Lecture
Astronomy Lab I
Elem Astronomy-Solar System
Elem Astr Stars & Galaxies
Introductory Biology Lab
Human Biology Laboratory
Topics in Study of Life I
Organismal Biology Laboratory
Introductory Biology
Human Biology
General Biology
Organismal Biology
Human Anat/Physio Lab I
Human Anat/Physio Lab II
Human Anat/Physiology I
Human Anat/Physiology II
Laboratory for CHEM 1305
Laboratory for CHEM 1306
Intro General Chemistry Lab
Intro Organic & Biochem Lab
General Chemistry
General Chemistry
Intro to General Chemistry
Intro Organic & Biochemistry
Environmental Sci. Lab
Non-major Lab for ESCI 1301
Intro to Environmental Sci
Laboratory for GEOG 1306
Physical Geography
Lab for GEOL 1313
Lab for GEOL 1314
Principles of Earth Sci - Lab
Laboratory for Geology 1212
Principles of Earth Sciences
Principles of Earth Science
The Blue Planet
Natural Hazards
Intro to Physical Geology
Intro to Historical Geol
Fundamentals of Nutrition
Wellness Dynamics
Microorganisms and Disease
General Physics I
General Physics II
Laboratory for PHYS 2320
Laboratory for PHYS 2321
Introductory Mechanics
Introductory Electromagnetism

VI. Political Science (six hours)

Courses in this category focus on consideration of the Constitution of the United States and the constitutions of the states, with special emphasis on that of Texas. Courses involve the analysis of governmental institutions, political behavior, civic engagement, and their political and philosophical foundations. Course objectives for this component are: Critical Thinking Skills, Communication Skills, Social Responsibility and Personal Responsibility.
Required Courses:
POLS 2310Introduction to Politics3
POLS 2311American Gover & Politics3

VII. Social & Behavioral Sciences (three hours)

Courses in this category focus on the application of empirical and scientific methods that contribute to the understanding of what makes us human. Courses involve the exploration of behavior and interactions among individuals, groups, institutions, and events, examining their impact on the individual, society, and culture. Course objectives for this component are: Critical Thinking Skills, Communication Skills, Empirical & Quantitative Skills, and Social Responsibility.
Select one of the following:3
Intro-Phys Anth/Archeolog
Intro-Cultural Anthropology
Cultural Geography
Intro to Linguistics
Asian American Studies
Econ for Engrs & Scientists
Intro to Chicano Studies
Interpersonal Communication
Mass Media and Society
Principles of Macroeconomics
Principles of Microeconomics
Introduction to Ed Psychology
Action Research in Classrooms
Introduction to Linguistics
Cultural Geography
Leadership in Action
Introduction to Linguistics
Lang. Inside & Out: Sel Topics
Introduction to Psychology
Introduction to Sociology
Cultural Geography

VIII. Creative Arts

Courses in this category focus on the appreciation and analysis of creative artifacts and works of the human imagination. Courses involve the synthesis and interpretation of artistic expression and enable critical, creative, and innovative communication about works of art. Course objectives for this component are: Critical Thinking Skills, Communication Skills, Teamwork, and Social Responsibility.
Select one of the following:3
Art Appreciation
History of Art I
History of Art II
Chicana/o Fine Arts Appreciat
Introduction to Dance
Intro-Art of Motion Pict.
Music Appreciation
Jazz to Rock
Music, Culture, and Society
Introduction to Theatre

IX. Component Area Option (six hours)

a. A minimum of 3 SCH must meet the definition and corresponding Core Objectives specified in one of the foundational component areas. b. As an option for up to 3 semester credit hours of the Component Area Option, an institution may select course(s) that: (i) Meet(s) the definition specified for one or more of the foundational component areas; and (ii) Include(s) a minimum of three Core Objectives, including Critical Thinking Skills, Communication Skills, and one of the remaining Core Objectives of the institution's choice.
Intro to Global Business
Public Speaking
Business/Profession Comm
Intro-Computational Thinking
Computer Programming Sci/Engr
Eng Innovation and Leadership
Engineering Design Experience
Applied Engineering Analysis
Introduction to Leadership
Inquiry in Math & Science
Comm. Var. Across the Lifespan
Seminar/Critical Inquiry

4-Year Sample Degree Plan 

BS in Kinesiology with Exercise Science concentration 

BIOL 1305
BIOL 1107
General Biology
and Topics in Study of Life I
KIN 1303Foundations of Kinesiology3
MATH 1320Math for Social Sciences I3-5
or MATH 1508 Precalculus
or MATH 1411 Calculus I
RWS 1301Rhetoric & Composition I3
Component Core I3
BIOL 2311
BIOL 2111
Human Anat/Physiology I
and Human Anat/Physio Lab I
HIST 1301History of U.S. to 18653
HSCI 2302Fundamentals of Nutrition3
PSYC 1303Statistical Methods3
RWS 1302Rhetoric & Composition 23
BIOL 2313
BIOL 2113
Human Anat/Physiology II
and Human Anat/Physio Lab II
KIN 3303Hist,Socio,Phil of Sport & PA3
PHYS 1403General Physics I4
Social & Behavioral Sciences Core3
Component Core II3
Creative Arts Core3
HIST 1302History of U.S. Since 18653
KIN 3313Assessment and Evaluation3
KIN 3331Anatomical Kinesiology3
CHEM 1307
CHEM 1107
Intro to General Chemistry
and Intro General Chemistry Lab
General Chemistry
and Laboratory for CHEM 1305
KIN 3332Motor Behavior3
KIN 4312Exercise Physiology3
Language, Philosophy, Culture Core3
POLS 2310Introduction to Politics3
CHEM 1308
CHEM 1108
Intro Organic & Biochemistry
and Intro Organic & Biochem Lab
General Chemistry
and Laboratory for CHEM 1306
KIN 4313Biomechanics3
KIN Elective3
POLS 2311American Gover & Politics3
Elective Course3
KIN Elective3
KIN Elective 3
KIN Elective 3
Elective Course 3
Elective Course 3
KIN Elective 3
KIN Elective 3
Elective Course 3
Elective Course3
Total Hours120-122

BS in Kinesiology with Physical Education Teacher Education concentration & ALED minor

BIOL 1305
BIOL 1107
General Biology
and Topics in Study of Life I
KIN 1303Foundations of Kinesiology3
MATH 1320Math for Social Sciences I3-5
or MATH 1310 Trigonometry and Conics
or MATH 1508 Precalculus
or MATH 1411 Calculus I
RWS 1301Rhetoric & Composition I3
Component Core I3
BIOL 2311
BIOL 2111
Human Anat/Physiology I
and Human Anat/Physio Lab I
Component Core II3
HIST 1301History of U.S. to 18653
RWS 1302Rhetoric & Composition 23
Social and Behavioral Sciences Core3
BIOL 2313
BIOL 2113
Human Anat/Physiology II
and Human Anat/Physio Lab II
HIST 1302History of U.S. Since 18653
KIN 3315Princip of Teaching & Lead PE3
KIN 3333Motor Development3
PSYC 1303Statistical Methods3
Creative Arts Core3
HSCI 2302Fundamentals of Nutrition3
KIN 3221Team Games and Sports2
KIN 3223Lifetime Physical Activities2
PHYS 1403General Physics I4
Language, Philosophy, and Culture Core3
KIN 3217Fundamental Movement Skills2
KIN 3219Individual Games and Sports2
KIN 3303Hist,Socio,Phil of Sport & PA3
KIN 4312Exercise Physiology3
KIN 4314Special Pop: Charac/Motor Beh3
POLS 2310Introduction to Politics3
KIN 4301Personal Training3
KIN 4319Teaching Elem. School Phy. Ed.3
KIN 4330Exercise Prescription & Prog3
POLS 2311American Gover & Politics3
RED 3342Content Area Literacy3
BED 4317Tch & Empwr ELLs in Sec Schls3
EDPC 3300Intro to Youth Dev & Spec Ed3
KIN 4313Biomechanics3
KIN 4320Adventure Curricula in PE3
KIN 4321Teaching Sec School Phys Ed3
SCED 3311Curriculum Plan-Secondary Schl3
TED 4698Student Teach: All-Levels PE6
Total Hours120-122